Zoladex injection

  • 13 replies
  • 151 subscribers

Morning all,

My husband scheduled to have his first Zoladex injection next week. I read about all the side effects of hot flushes, tiredness etc.

My question to you, my good friends, is when to expect all these effects and what is the immediate effect on the day and the day after. I know everyone is different but just to know what to expect.

Thank you and best wishes


  • Good morning Dafna.

    The implants will take about 2 to 4 weeks to reduce the testosterone levels so he shouldn't start getting the side effects until then. The implant can be made in several parts of the body and he may experience localised tenderness at the site. Most people sail through with no reaction to the initial dose but occasionally a bad reaction can occur so make sure he tells you if he feels at all unwell and report it immediately. He may get a headache but generally should be able to continue with his normal activities straight after the implant.

    Have a nice walk along Brighton seafront. We are back to 20C sunshine today so it is a day in the garden for us.

  • Hi Alwayshope

    Thank you for your reply. Yes Brighton seafront in the winds today. Lucky you with 20 deg

    My Husband will get injection not implant but I assume it is same in terms of 2 -4 weeks until effects start kicking in.

    Have a lovely day in your spring like weather and a lovely weekend!

    Best wishes


  • Hello Dafna

    We don't all get the side effects of Hormone Therapy, and we don't all get them all - they affect us all differently and the best cure for the most common one - fatigue - is exercise. He needs to keep up with his swimming and walking as much as possible.

    The first side effect he will notice is ED - erectile dysfunction, but as Mes Millibob and me have found out - there are plenty of other was to show your love and feelings to one another! The rest of the side effect will take time to surface but after 22 months on HT mine are all under control.

    You two enjoy a decent walk along the sea front today and tomorrow - it's going to be sunny - after that we can all fly over to Greece and stay in the warm with  !! JoyJoy.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Dafna,

    Think you have already had good replies from others but just thought I would add my experience.

    I have now had 26 (3 monthly) Zoladex jabs.  Originally I had a real needle phobia which resulted on occasions of me keeling over when a hypodermic needle came near me.  My phobia was so bad, that the thought of having injections was almost worse than the cancer diagnosis and at that point, if the consultant had told me how many jabs I would have, I  might have decided not to have treatment.  
    Blood tests, cannula’s and implants together must have meant 100’s of needles (so far) and to my absolute amazement I no longer have my fear!  Nobody is more surprised about this than me.

    As for the Zoladex, I get mine in my stomach (although other options are available!).  Because of my initial fear I used to tense up before the jab and it was sometimes a little painful.  My technique now is just to relax and that definitely helps.  The injection is also called an implant as a slow release pellet is inserted, although you are not aware of this if you don’t look.  The jab can last about 2 or 3 seconds max but depends on the practitioner technique.  Afterwards I don’t usually feel much at all on the site, but wouldn’t want to be hit in the stomach.  Sometimes I get a bruise on day 2 which can last a week, but it doesn’t hurt.  As to long term effects, as others have mentioned we are all different.  In my personal experience I haven’t had anything I can’t manage.  Hot flushes - yes but only normally last a minute or two.  ED - Yes completely but it has also totally removed my desire as well (think Mrs David is secretly pleased) so that doesn’t bother me.

    Hope that helps, but please come back if you have any concerns.


  • Dear Dafna,

    Expect the unexpected. I did not have a hot flush once during the first three months and then they came with a vengeance. I have heard others say they reduce after time, I am now on my fifth jab and they are now a constant. Also although it is uncommon, I have had months of intermittent joint pain. Oh and the fat belly, which nothing seems to shift is something look forward to. 



  • Hi Greener,

    Thank you! I will report back when the effects will start.

    Have a lovely weekend

    Best wishes


  • Hi David,

    Thank you for the detailed reply! I did not know at all that the injection is also an implant. I thought it is either or. So thank you for that. Still learning...

    Have a lovely weekend and greetings from very cold Brighton


  • David, I have another question

    This implant (pellet) stopping you from doing anything? Are you allowed to go swimming with it? My husband daily swim will keep him in good shape and we cannot give this one up.

    If yo know about it please let me knwow

    All the best


  • Hi Dafna.

    The implant will not stop him from doing anything and swimming is one of the best exercises. All you can see from it is maybe a bruise and an Elastoplast if you are lucky which my husband takes off as soon as he gets home. Unfortunately he doesn't get a sweet for being brave like they give to children.

  • Dafna,

    Alwayshope has nailed it.  It is just an injection site and won’t stop him swimming.  David