Daralutamide tablets

  • 3 replies
  • 148 subscribers
  1. Whilst my husband was having chemo we had to be careful of infection so no gardening without gloves, certain foods he couldn't eat etc. I understand that the tablets are a form of chemo so does he still need to be wary of certain foods? Anything else to look out for? He was doing his temperature at least twice a day and not sure if he still needs to do this. I thought I would ask on here before phoning the oncology nurse, would rather pester you lot!!!!! First. Thank you 
  • Hi Shar.

    From what I can gather Darolutamide can reduce your ability to combat infection by reducing the white blood count so just keep an eye on the bloods. I have stopped taking hubby's temperature twice a day now that he has finished chemo but do still do it every couple of days. Now that chemo has ended I have started to introduce Greek yogurt to try and build up the gut biome, but generally have started to introduce our normal diet with the usual hygiene qualifications. The thing to watch out for is if he starts feeling cold, shivery, unwell..... 

    Time to start enjoying yourselves now, get the Christmas cake and puds made, and brush off the suitcase for the cruises next year.

  • Thank you so much. He will be having blood tests every 12 weeks 

  • That should be sufficient. You can remain immunocompromised for up to 6 months after chemotherapy so still be careful around anyone who has colds, flu, COVID or any other infection.