I'm single now and have completely lost my confidence in meeting women because of my erection problems any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Hi Lee,
That’s really sad to hear that you’ve lost confidence with women because of this problem. I can’t help with suggestions of how to kick start the old boy, but there’s plenty of men on here that probably can give you great advice. But as a woman I can say that there’s a lot more that women are looking for in a man. We are looking for a soulmate. We are looking for a man that’s kind, a man you can trust and laugh with, a man that thinks you are the best thing they have ever seen and adores the ground you walk on. As for the bedroom! Well there’s plenty of fun to be had if you have a good imaginion, that’s for sure. So get that worry out of your mind. Embrace life, women and love, be brave and honest about your situation and seriously if I was with a man that had all the above attributes everything else would fall into place. Not everything revolves around the mighty penis, I know you men think this the case, but hello … there’s more x
best wishes
Hi Godbless. I like you, and so many more who have been blighted with PC, suffer from ED. My surgeon gave me the option of whether to spare my nerves or not and I told him my life was the most important thing to consider and to do whatever was necessary. I have a wife and we have been together for 30 years so I don't have the same mental barriers to cross as you. Having spoken to both women and men about ED since my op I have come to realise that it affects the majority of men anyway as we grow older. Also there are a lot of women who suffer pain and difficulties and those who just do not find pleasure in the bedroom in latter years. So it may help to know you are not alone and as BW says there are more important matters than sex in a good relashionship and I am sure you realise that anyway from how you feel. I would suggest you enquire as to whether you can see an ED specialist nurse. I learnt from mine that there were some options. I was told about tablets, injections and a vacuum pump. I have been on 5mg of Tadalafil since the op anyway and I don't think that is doing much good with ED but it does evidently help with general recovery. I am due to take those for two years. Injections - I just could not see myself having the courage to use them at that time but now I would try them if I so chose to do so. My change in heart is because I visit an American forum and the reports are that injections are generally very successful. I was however prescribed a vacuum pump about 6 months ago. Now that is very good at obtaining an erection in under a minute but as soon as the vacuum is released so is the erection. But by putting a supplied rubber ring on the little man the erection is maintained. The pump is also used as an exercise for generally keeping in good form and I can easily get 10 erections in a 20 minute session (I would have been quite proud of that when I was 18 ). It is a bother and not ideal but it does serve a purpose both physically and mentally. I got mine free under prescription from my GP but it would have cost over £200. There are much cheaper ones but I fear they may not work as well and also may not have the technical back up. But best of luck to you in finding a suitable way forward.
Thank you I did buy a vacuum pump a year ago a good quality one and your right it was £200 but I feel it was worth it and like anything our bodies need therapy after an accident or an operation as the saying goes don't use it lose it thank you so much for your feed back on this.
Hello Godbless I am so sorry to read of your continuing issues - can I clarify which issue are you after help and support with - is it still the original issue - ED or is it the Radiotherapy and Hormone therapy - and are you still on Hormone Therapy?
Thanks and Best wishes - Brian.
Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.
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Hi Godbless. I was 68 when I found out I had PCa and started on HT. ED was an immediate consequence but I was surprised to realise that apart from not having an erection I also lost my desire to have sex. My main concern was how would my OH react. Again to my surprise she didn’t seem that bothered (and in fact I suspect she was probably quite pleased!). All I would say is re read Barry W’s original post which written from a female perspective seems to hit the nail on the head. Best wishes. David
Ah - well - I would be saying it's the Hormone Therapy that's doing it now. It did it for me if you know what I mean!!
I agree with David2017's post above - I know it's not the answer for you but that's the cause - HT!!
Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.
I am a Macmillan volunteer.
Really sorry to hear your story, but I completely sympathise, as I have had ED since my surgery 4 years ago.
In my experience, you will feel better in many ways when you come off HT.
If you can, ask your doctors for a referral to an Andrology service, they are the experts in dealing with ED and related problems. You might also want to think about getting some professional counselling (Macmillan may be able to help with this) which I found very helpful.
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