Possible pituitary tumor awaiting MRI

  • 4 replies
  • 2 subscribers


I believe I have a pituitary tumor as I have struggled with many creepy symptoms for seven months now. My boyfriend and bestfriend have told me to stop talking about what I'm going through and that its all in my head.

These are my symptoms:

I have only had two periods since Jan ( and they werent normal) and after being told to go away by two male doctors eventually i went to a female doctor and she agreed to get me hormone tests, ovary scan (came back polycystic) and a referal to an endocrinologist. My cortisol is below reference range, FSH PRL are normal except for high LH whichs typical in PCOS

hypoglycemia symptoms

I have constant eye pain since Jan, left is red and swollen in the morning, white flashes and black spots, light sensitivity

occasional feeling of pressure moving inside my head

frequent migraines (never used to get headaches)

stabbing pains in the middle of my face

Inflammation of scalp and neck

Random nausea

Random dizzyness

Exhausted and depressed

Cold hand and feet sometimes nails go purple

I requested an mri multiple times, one doctor refused to give me a scan saying i couldn't have an adenoma because no one in my family had one :/ and another doctor told me i had had a MRI a few years ago and it was normal. then my headaches got worse and i asked for a copy of the scan results. turns out i never had an MRI, he was just lying to get me out of the room! I then demanded an MRI and am having a scan next week thank god. 

I know there is a lot of other things my symptoms could turn out to be. But I am bracing myself for the results to come back with an adenoma.

Sorry this is long, I just need to speak to people who understand or are in a similar situation.

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you're worried that you might have a pituitary tumour. I didn't have this type of cancer, so don't have any personal experience to draw on, but I noticed that your post had not had any replies.

    I've found this information for you on pituitary tumours and how they are diagnosed and treated

    I hope that the MRI scan doesn't show that you have cancer and that there is another reason behind the symptoms that you have. Whatever happens, do come back and let us know how you get on.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook,

    Thanks for your support and sending me the link, hope you are well

    I will post the MRI results soon as I get them


  • I meant to add in my reply to you that when you go for your MRI ask how long it's currently taking in your area to get the results back so you're not worrying if you think they're taking a long time.

    Also ask how you'll get those results, ie will you get a letter booking you in to see the consultant, will you have to go back to your GP, will the results be sent out in a letter to you, etc.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Ah that's good advice, I just assumed it would be a week until I got my results ... but then if it was longer I would be panicking haha