My tumour

  • 2 replies
  • 3 subscribers

I see that Davina McCall is having her tumour removed. I hope all goes well. 

Anyone know how I can get mine removed? My 'specialists' are refusing to remove mine until I start going blind.

I see that some people have had their's removed even though they have no symptoms. 

Feeling pretty down about this (and the symptoms are getting worse). 

  • Hi Tom Thumb welcome to the forum..I think you make a valid point about when they operate and it does seem very closely related to field vision and pressure on any of the optic nerves. I have had a micro adenoma for almost 40 years and I have always had my field vision checked and never really had any issues with it..I did take Bromcriptine in the early days but not taken anything now for years. Have you tried getting in touch with the Pituitary Foundation as they have a support network available and lots of useful information which may be of help. 


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  • Hi,

    Speak with your consultant or specialist nurse about your syptoms and how it is affecting you both physically and mentally. The whole journey does literally play with your mind. Before I had mine removed I had a conversation about the pros and cons of surgery.

    Oftentimes, and if it is a slow growing and benign tumour they will want to watch it over a period of time, mine was 2 years and growing at a rate of 0.1mm per month. We (my consultant and I) decided that it was better to go on the waiting list for surgery sooner rather than later, taking into account current fitness, age etc

    If you are recieving regular scans they should know the growth rate of the tumour and when surgery could be a viable option.  If its any comfort for you, it is an exact science and they can predict growth rates very accurately.

    If I'm to hazard a guess, I think it may be affecting you psychologically. I was convinced that my sight was fading before surgery but it turned out to be anxiety and quite simply I needed a new pair of glasses.

    Please don't worry, when I said it's a journey it really is, and you'll go through every possible emotion too.

    So, contact your consultant or pituitory nurse, explain your situation and they will be able to help you. Don't feel that you have to journey alone.

    Good luck my friend and I'm sure you'll feel much better after that conversation. Slight smile