Penile cancer

  • 27 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi all, I got diagnosed with penile cancer early November 22, operation to remove head of penis same month, had further operation on left side lymph nodes February 23, everything seemed to be going well,  until went to hospital August 23, with what looked like an infection on the rebuild penis, only to be told the cancer had returned, to say it knocked me for 6 would be an understatement, I have great support from my wife, just seems everytime we think things are getting better we get knocked down. They are talking of complete removal this time. 

  • Sorry to hear that, I am about 2 months behind you I had my operation in February. If you don’t mind me asking what do I look out for, you thought you had an infection, what exactly were your symptoms and what hospital did you have your operation.


  • Hi Robert, the end of my penis looked   yellow/ green like if you had an infected cut or similar, even the first urology doctor I saw was talking of antibiotics so she must of been thinking the same it was only when they got the penile cancer specialist to come have a look that he said it was the cancer that had returned. 

    The hospital is Norfolk and Norwich University hospital, which have been brilliant all the way through. 

  • Hi willing haw are you getting on.


  • Hi Robert 

    Not doing too bad now preparing to go back into hospital for the operation this Friday 1st September. Just hoping this is the final operation and the cancer is beaten. How are you doing? 

  • Hi William,

    I am doing really well almost back to normal, I still have a few minor urinating issues, went for a flexible cystoscope which was all good but caught a urine infection. 
    Otherwise really good.

    Good luck with the operation, just remember anything is better than having a cancer tumour.


  • Hi Robert  

    Hope you are still doing OK.

    Just to update had my operation to remove my whole penis, also took lymph node from right side which showed up on ct scan, awaiting results on that. Slow recovery this time compared to 1st operation still very swollen down below but it has only been 10 days, just hoping now all removed they have got all of the cancer. Will update again after speaking to consultant.


  • Hi William, that’s good news you are recovering, you have had a major operation so you need to just accept this will take time. I really hope they have all the cancer this time and the node biopsy is good.

    just look forward to getting back to your new normal it will take some getting used to. These surgeons have given us our lives back.

    Please give me a regular update.

    My infection has just gone after a month of fighting it, I now just have to manage my bladder retention, anything is better than that cancer tumour I had.


  • Hi Robert 

    Totally agree anything is better than the cancer, good to hear your infection has finally cleared up after such a long time. Will keep you informed as and when I get any more information. Look after yourself and make the most of life which as said before the surgery has given us back.

    All the best William. 

  • Hi Robert 

    Updated on my cancer journey, saw consultant today, when he did last operation the cancer was far worse than expected it had spread to other areas around the original area, he also took several lymph nodes from right side of the groin, not just the one that was originally discussed, they came back as having cancer, so now waiting for another ct scan and then chemo or radio if no more show up as enlarged if they do possible more surgery. Will update again after results of scan.


  • Hi William, you are certainly having a rough time let’s hope they catch it this time. You must keep positive and don’t let this cancer get you down. You have come a long way hopefully chemo will kill the last bit of cancer or more nodes removal which will be worth it then you can get your life back.

    please keep me updated
