Maybe cancer, no results yet

  • 51 replies
  • 4 subscribers

I’ve had phimosis for nearly 25 years and didn’t really think anything of it, it wasn’t causing me stress and I’d never heard anything detrimental.

Then, about 4 months ago started to get a lump under my foreskin, still didn’t worry, until it started to grow.

Finally overcame my embarrassment and went to the GP 4 weeks ago.

Two weeks later and had an appointment with the urologist, lump now about half the size of a little finger.

Two weeks after that operation for a circumcision and removal of lesion for biopsy.

Had the operation two days ago, feeling sore and wondering how on earth guys manage to wear underpants.

Now the wait of two weeks for a result.

Hopefully the result will be negative, but I think I’ve maybe left it too late.

Fingers crossed.

  • Hi Steveinkent, Even if you have cancer it is not the end of the world about 700 men get penile cancer per year in the uk which is rare and there is about 9 specialist urology cancer care centres around the uk so you will be in good hands. Penile cancer is very predictable and the survival rates are good. The treatment is usually Surgery and most men on this forum have been through many of the different types of surgery so there is somewhere to get answers to your issues. You are not on your own, let us know your biopsy results.


  • Thank Robert,

    i’ve been reading the posts, so I have an idea what maybe ahead.

    I’ll post the biopsy result when I get it.

  • Now just over a week and I’ve received a letter with slightly more details.

    Not that it helps a great deal.

    1, irregular 2cm nodular hard lesion on the dorsal aspect of preputial skin, not involving the corporal tissue completely excised with foreskin.

    2. Irregular lesion on the glans, on the dorsal aspect was seen in extension to the regular preputial lesion - incision biopsy was taken

    Extensive dissection of the preputial skin and excision along the lesion was performed, which was completely removed.

    Good news that it was all removed, now I’ve got to wait a further two weeks for the biopsy result and follow up appointment.

    I know that (1) seems okay, (2) is a bit worrying.

    Got to say that I didn’t get told how painful this would be, the top is bad enough, but where the frenulum was removed is unbelievably painful, can’t touch that area at all, even now.

     I am using a salt bath 3 or 4 times a day and using petroleum jelly to help, but it’s still bad on the underside.

    They should really give out better after care instructions.

  • Hi Steve, I didn’t get that much pain and I had a glansectomy but you must take the pain killers. The specialist nurse that was assigned to me was very good don’t hesitate to talk to them and don’t hesitate to  get them to look at the wound as you may have an infection.

    also the surgery was just over a week ago so you need to give your body time to heal but get help with the pain.

    Waiting for biopsy results is worrying mine came back to confirm the cancer had come out of the tumor but had not gone into the lymph nodes so all is well.

    let me know how you get on with pain management in the next few days


  • Hi Robert,

    Thank you for the quick response.

    I’m not in pain at all, unless something touches the underside, then it’s excruciating, don’t think pain killers will help.

    Everywhere else is just very uncomfortable.

    I will have to ring the GP on Tuesday, typical that it’s a bank holiday weekend.

  • Do you think you have an infection or is there stitches under the skin which are tight?

  • It’s bright red and looks pretty angry.

  • Sounds like you have an infection, probably need to get some antibiotics if you can’t wait until Tuesday then ring 101.

  • I’ve had a bad experience with 101, rang in the morning as no doctor available at my own surgery, eventually got a call back the next morning at about 2am, suggested I go to A&E, only wanted antibiotics for diverticulitis.

     I will make do with salt baths until Tuesday, (salt bath means a saline solution in a used plastic soup container)

  • Ok keep monitoring if it get any worse or you start shivering with a high temperature go to A&E.
