Maybe cancer, no results yet

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  • 4 subscribers

I’ve had phimosis for nearly 25 years and didn’t really think anything of it, it wasn’t causing me stress and I’d never heard anything detrimental.

Then, about 4 months ago started to get a lump under my foreskin, still didn’t worry, until it started to grow.

Finally overcame my embarrassment and went to the GP 4 weeks ago.

Two weeks later and had an appointment with the urologist, lump now about half the size of a little finger.

Two weeks after that operation for a circumcision and removal of lesion for biopsy.

Had the operation two days ago, feeling sore and wondering how on earth guys manage to wear underpants.

Now the wait of two weeks for a result.

Hopefully the result will be negative, but I think I’ve maybe left it too late.

Fingers crossed.

  • My appointment yesterday was cancelled due to staff shortages, managed to get one this morning.

    And yes, I’ve got an infection, so now on antibiotics.

  • Strangely I also have a infection in my urithra and I am also on antibiotics.

    Even if the results are not what you want there is light at the end of the long tunnel, and if you read some of the threads on this forum there is support from men who have been through this, if it is a tumor then you need to get rid of it otherwise you will not last long. My tumor grew to 28 mm in 4 months but thankfully I am now cancer free.


  • Just received a text telling me I have an appointment next week at St. Georges in London.

    Not what I wanted to hear.

  • What did you go through to get cancer free, have you got a thread?

     I find it strange that I get a text but nothing telling me what the biopsy result was, I’d like to know before I attend the appointment.

  • It’s probably better to talk face to face, if it is bad news then you can ask all the questions and also they allocated a specialist nurse to you on the day of the bad news so you will have a contact who you can talk to, at least that what they did with me.

    Your. lesion was the same location as mine after the biopsy it grew rapidly to 28 mm and I had a glansectomy which when you read what it is can be frieghtening. 

    However anything is better than the tumor as the tumor would have killed me within 2 years. Although I had 2 infections and catheter issues I am now through the journey and almost back to normal just some urinary issues to sort out.

    let me know how you get on next week but if you have any specific questions just ask.


  • Thanks for taking the time to keep posting here, it is very appreciated.

    I am trying to get a copy of the biopsy report, proving to be a bit more difficult than expected.

    Would you recommend that someone else comes with me to the appointment?

  • I have never asked for biopsy reports I am not sure I would understand them.

    You must take someone with you at the appointment as you will not remember all that is said especially if it is bad news.


  • Thought it would be better to have someone with me, but the travel requirements may unfortunately  preclude it

  • That’s interesting, I sent an email to St Georges asking if I could have a copy of the biopsy report.

    Just got a reply stating that they had received a referral from my local hospital and have requested pathology.

    So St Georges are saying they haven’t got it yet, hope they get it by Tuesday.