Penile cancer follow ups?

  • 4 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Last year at the end of Aug I was diagnosed with Penile cancer, was treated at St Georges Hospital up london and had most of my penis removed and it had spread to 1 of my lymph nodes and had another op to remove it there. 

Then I had a robotic op to my stomach.

After that I was sent back to my local hospital and had 6 weeks of radiotherapy that ended around March 2024.

Since then I had no follows ups or any contact from anyone.

Is this normal as I expected to be called in for at least a scan to see if it had come back.

Would appreciate to hear from any others who been through the same.

  • Hi  

    I noticed your post had not had a reply yet, no direct experience since my wife's cancer is rather different but I would certainly expect you would have some follow ups and looking at our main site here the suggestion is that would be the norm.

    If you have contract details of the hospital/consultant it might be worth trying to contact them to check or alternatively talk to your GP and the PALS team at the hospital.



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  • Hi Steve, thank you for the reply Sir. Yes I am about to get back in contact with the macmillan nurses at St Georges Hospital as I am concerned that since my surgeries at the end of last year finished and my radiotherapy ended earlier in the year, I have heard nothing from anyone. I did expect at least maybe some more scans by now to check whether it come back etc. 

    Best wishes


  • You should be getting seen by someone.My husband had a glansectomy 2 months ago and was told he would be seen every 3  months for at least 2 years.We are in Scotland.

    • Have you been seen yet? As with most cancers you will need regular followups, it sounds like you may have been missed in between. I know when had my operation I was followed up regularly. I didn't have radiotherapy or chemo at that time.