Bowen's (SCC Situ)

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  • 3 subscribers

Hello there, I joined this forum as there doesn't appear to be anything else out there to share, read and discuss these issues. Male in my mid-40s and live in the US.

2 weeks ago I got diagnosed with Bowen's SCC Situ and I've had sleepless nights and in a state of worry ever since especially reading up on all things google.

One year ago, I saw a pigmented brown spot on the shaft, close to the base - it had a cut which healed in a few days. I went to see a dermatologist who didn't think much of it (Seborrheic keratosis) and offered to freeze it for cosmetic reasons. I didn't take him up on it.

Then, earlier this year, dry scaly rashes on the shaft developed - one of which kept growing in size. I went to see another dermatologist who thought it to be eczema/psoriasis/balanitis and prescribed me a corticosteroid. I also saw a similar rash on the trunk of my body. I used the lotion for 2 weeks and it seemed to have worked.

I was still concerned about the pigmented brown spot so I went it for a biopsy a month ago and it came back positive for Bowen's Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Situ. My dermatologist suggested 3 treatment options: (1) Mohs (2) Freezing (3) Immunoquid which Mohs being his recommendation. He has referred me to a Mohs surgical specialist and I plan on scheduling an appointment in the next couple of weeks.

I also have a few other brown spots on the glans, scrotum and shaft which I am now really worried about and have scheduled a follow-up with my dermatologist to evaluate and assess whether more biopsies are required. 

Overall, I am very worried about my future and my health (thinking of the worst). Posting here to connect with people in similar situations.

1) What lifestyle changes and dietary / supplements should one take to help fight such cancers and HPV - to build stronger immunity.

2) What is the prognosis for such penile cancers? How long can one live?

3) Will Squamous Cell Carcinoma come back in other areas? Can this result in a different type of cancer?

4) Should I also consult with a Dermatologist who specializes in Bowen's? What about an Oncologist or Urologist?

5) Do pathologists store the skin sample that was biopsied for some time - especially if I want a second opinion on it or do they typically discard after the biopsy study?

Thank you.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll both find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with Bowens and, although I haven't had that type of skin cancer, I do understand how worrying it can be when you've had a diagnosis.

    I can't help with some of your questions but you might find this information from Macmillan on diet and food supplements helpful in answering question one.

    As for question two then this information from Cancer Research UK might give you an insight. You need to bear in mind that these statistics are for the UK and you've said that you live in America where the stats might be different.

    I don't know how likely it is that SCC will come back in other areas but once you've had one skin cancer then you do stand more chance of getting another. This patient leaflet about SCC in situ might help further.

    In the UK all dermatologists have knowledge of all the different types of skin cancer and I'm not aware that we have ones that specialise just in Bowens but that might be different in the US. 

    Hopefully some members of this group will be along to help further.

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and proposed treatment into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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