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I had a glansectomy on the Friday before last and was discharged on Wednesday. It all seems to have gone well so far although I am a little bit concerned that there has been a tiny amount of bleeding from the penis in the last couple of days. I have a follow up appointment in just over two weeks but I will ask my designated Macmillan nurse when she's back on duty tomorrow.

I am feeling fairly tired but able to look after myself. The bleeding, however slight, is a bit of a worry. No problem with the donor site on my thigh- successfully changed the dressing yesterday.

Best to all

  • Hello  

    I have just read your post and although I am from the Prostate Cancer forum and have no experience of your particular type of cancer you appear to be making some fantastic progress.

    I will confirm that we are all wishing you a speedy recovery and I hope by now you have had contact with the MacMillan nurse and your "issue" has been resolved.

    I wish you a safe and healthy recovery and if you have any further issues or I can do anything for you please don't hesitate to let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello Millibob

    Thank you so much for your encouragement and good wishes.

    I spoke to the Macmillan nurse yesterday and she was able to reassure me that all was going well and that the minimal amount of bleeding wasn't anything to be alarmed about. I am very impressed by her detailed knowledge of my case.

    I am feeling a little under the weather but I think that this is mainly due to a bug which I picked up somewhere, so I am taking it easy. Having said that, I am now cooking myself meals and even drove myself half a mile to the local supermarket this afternoon. Not quite up to dog walking or my normal cardio exercises yet- will wait until this bug works itself out.

    Thanks again and best wishes.

  • Hello  

    That's amazing - if all's well. I know myself (still on Hormone therapy) that sometimes you just don't feel 100% but hey - "a little under the weather!" is nothing in the big picture.

    I am pleased it's all going well and you will soon be chasing the dog - mine loves a good stick - and feeling much better.

    I hope the recovery continues - you know where we are if you need anything.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • So glad to hear that you are coping well after your operation, and that everything is going as expected. The care received is exceptional. Good luck for the future and I hope things keep going well for a full recovery/.

  • Hi uponthedowms8

    Not been on here for couple of weeks, so only just seen your post, I had same operation back in November 2022, I agree with any little change such as the bleeding is a worry,  you did the right thing with checking with the nurse. Hope you are recovering well,  my recovery from this operation was not too bad, my problems came later with the fact the cancer had spread to my left side lymph nodes, which had operation to remove in February 2023, then unfortunately my cancer returned in August 2023 so another operation in September to remove the rest. Now waiting to see about chemo ect. So the one thing I will advise is to keep a good eye on yourself, anything that doesn't look right get it checked out as soon as possible.

    All the best in your recovery


  • Thanks for your good wishes!

  • Hi William

    I'm sorry to hear that the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes. I have my follow up appointment in just over a week and I go in for the sampling of the lymph nodes in just over three weeks. I think the glans is still settling down but what bleeding there was has stopped. It is very sound advice to keep an eye on things. Thank you for your support and good wishes- so far I've found that my main worry is whether mine has spread. All I can do is try to remain positive, which makes the support of people in forums like this really valuable.

    Thanks again


  • Total agree that main worry is, weather it has spread, I have been through this twice now 1st I semi expected, the 2nd time didn't think it was the cancer back so came as big shock, I now take each day as it comes and hope when I go up for appointments that it is not bad news. But still stay positive and remembering that without the operations I would probably not still be here, so look at it as I have been given a second chance by the brilliant doctors and staff.

    Hope you get on ok with your follow-up appointments,  I have one this week coming to find out results of latest ct scan, not really looking forward to this, just hope it's good news. 

  • Just an update to say that the sampling of the lymph nodes in November showed that the cancer hadn't spread to them. I had a follow-up appointment yesterday which was fine- the glans has settled down and I've been back to normal activities such as driving, dog walking and my cardio-related exercise for some months now. Hope things are progressing well with you.

  • Hi George 

    Glad to hear your cancer hasn't spread to lymph nodes,  sounds like you are doing great now.

    I have recently finished 4 cycles of chemo, and now on a trial, which seems to be working on controlling and reducing my cancer, recently had another ct scan, just waiting for results hopefully they are good,  and giving me extra time.