Not the best days

  • 3 replies
  • 1 subscriber

Hi everyone!

i just wanted to say hi and share my story with you, possibly hear your opinion.

Im 33 and this is really hard time for me, as 10 days ago i noticed a small bump on my penis, bellow the Glans (like 3-4 mm bellow) under the sin, with the same skin color.

The bump is probably a bit less than 1cm and 2-3mm wide. 

It doesnt hurt on touch, and when i tense the skin it is visible as blue-ish (he doesnt move with the skin). 

I went to my Doctor and he checked it, he wasnt sure about it so he sent me to urologist.

Yesterday, urologist checked it and he too wasnt sure about it, as it was pure visual exam. He called for dermatologist to check it and dermatologist said its nothing on skin, and he would suggest just the further observation, while urologist suggested a biopsy of the tissue.

With local anesthesia and scalp, that sounds scary for me, as all of this does. So, before i accept the biopsy i decided to visit a private clinic and ask for second opinion.

I have scheduled private clinic visit next tuesday, so until then i am browsing forums, reading articles and a lot of stuff are going through my head. 

I saw many scary pictures, a lot of stressful text....

Im trying to stay positive, hoping it could be thrombosis or smth harmless which could go away by itself. 

If anyone here could give me some opinions based on their experience i would appreciate it.

  • FormerMember

    hi John33

    Like you earlier this year I had an issue where a lump flared up on the glans of my penis.  I was examined at my local clinic and was sent to Southmead Hospital in Bristol where they examined the area and recommended a Biopsy to confirm the issue.

    In our situations they can only confirm the issues with a biopsy.  Like you I was terrified.  I am 62 years old now and have never been to Hospital let alone be operated on.  I also read some scary stuff about this procedure.

    Let me assure you there is nothing to worry about with the biopsy carried out under local anesthetic. The first injection I felt a slight sting then was left for about 8 mins for the anesthetic to do its job and after that i felt nothing.  I had two biopsies on my Glans and it took around 30 mins.  Afterwards they said that once the anesthetic had worn off to take pain killers ( Paracetamol) which I did before I went to bed.  They were the only 2 tablets I took as the next day I felt no pain whatsoever and life very quickly went back to normal.

    Whilst facing this is very daunting honestly it is nothing to worry about so all; the best in this.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    thank you for your encouraging answer.

    What was the situation with removing the stitches? Bcs my urologist told me that i would have to come in 10 days to remove stitches.

    This is the part i dont understand, bcs stitches would mean more of the tissue removed right!?

    Will i be able to drive a car after the procedure or is it the best to have someone pick me up? 

    What was the diagnosis in your case and for how long have you waited for the results? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi John

    Didn't have an issue with the stitches as they were dissolving ones and for a few days I couldn't wash the area after that everything my washing/showering regime went back to normal. My biopsy was in two areas and was quite deep but as I said I had no issues but after some 8 weeks I do have scars.

    I could have driven home but they probably advise you not to do that due to the anesthetic so my wife drove me home.

    I had the biopsy 13th August and I was phoned 29th August with the results as I was away.  I have been diagnosed with PeIN( you will have to google that one as its a big word!) and Dysplasia which is abnormal cells across the Glans.  Because the affected area is quite large my Consultant has recommended Glans Resurfacing which is basically removal of the skin on the Glans and grafting on more skin to recover.  He has told be that this treatment is 100% effective with the condition that I have.

    I consider myself to be very lucky in this as the Clinic were prompt in their  diagnosis and also Southmead Hospital in Bristol have been excellent in how they have dealt with me. The thought of this operation is somewhat daunting but I know I am in good hands.

    So from the original issue being identified 116th July to going in next Friday for the operation is very good.

