
  • 2 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi, I feel like such a fraud being here. I have not had a diagnosis yet buy having a scan tomorrow to check for ovarian cancer.

I can't stop panicking.  Its causing constant diarrhoea and heaving. I feel cold and like I'm in a constant panic attack.

I'm trying to change my thinking but nothing is helping. 

I have had no sleep and can't eat anything. I'm shaking.

How do people cope wither panic?

  • A Reiki session, or hypnotherapy may help. To aid sleep I have a cup of Pukka tea ‘Nighttime’ or get up have a warm drink and read for a while then go back to bed when feeling tired. Sometimes a hot water bottle helps. Try and think positively and take each day as it comes. I found that regular walking helped clear my head and I felt better both physically and mentally. Good luck

    Dahlia 2270

    Dahlia 2270