MRI Results

  • 2 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Good evening all

I had an MRI preformed last Sunday, what was everyone's wait times for the results? I'm hoping no phone call this week is good news but still anxious waiting isn't it. Any thoughts would be greatly received x

  • Hi RSHCG01welcome to the forum.  I think the results waiting times can vary at different hospitals. I recently had an MRI and was told 6 weeks wait but it was much sooner. Nearer the 3 weeks mark. I'm sure some of the lively folks on the thread may be better able to give you more detail and I imagine help to settle the waiting anxiety. 


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  • Thank you Gail, it's so nerve wracking isn't it, I was told by my gynaecologist that she'd get the results within a days and call me but nothing so far! I'm sure I'll hear from them soon. Hope you've had a lovely weekend