Hysterectomy at 27

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  • 32 subscribers

My daughter aged 27 is having a hysterectomy next week for ovarian cancer: mucinoid tumour. She is very worried about going immediately into a menopause due to the lack of hormones. So far she has received no details about what HRT she will receive or the type of chemotherapy. Has anyone else been in this or similar position please?

  • Hello Englishy

    I am sorry to hear that your daughter needs to have a hysterectomy for ovarian cancer at such a young age.

    I had my hysterectomy for endometrial cancer 2 years ago. I found it fairly straightforward, I had little pain and recovered quickly.

    I am not sure of the current advice regarding HRT after ovarian cancer. It may well be about waying up the benefits vs risks. For my endometrial cancer is was contraindicated as it was hormone positive. It is something to talk through with the consultant about what is best for her. 

    With regard to the chemo- I did not actually find out about mine until the post op pathology after the hysterectomy. Mine was paclitaxel and carboplatin. I would imagine, if she is like me then once she is recovering from the surgery and the pathology has been looked at - then she will likely be called in for an appointment to discuss the chemo regime and cycles. 

    Here is a link to some general information that may help.

    Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

    I hope this helps a bit. It must be hard for you as a family. I hope that you are both getting the support you need from her hospital. If at any point talking things through would help, then please do give the support line a call.

    I wish your daughter well for her surgery and hope that she gets some answers soon on the rest. It wouldn't hurt to ask her CNS if there is a provisional plan or one that is most likely. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm