Adjusting after bowel resection

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  • 31 subscribers

Hi. I’m recovering from surgery two and a half weeks ago: abdominal hysterectomy, supracolic omectomy and left hemicolectony and anastomosis (bowel resection). 
My general recovery is going well ( wound healing and mobility) but I feel I know very little about how long the change in bowel function will take to settle down. So I’m normally someone with occasional IBS and a tendency towards constipation. Now I’m having frequent bowel movements and can’t be too far from a loo… I’d like advice from anyone who has been in this situation.

 I should add I’m halfway through my treatment plan of 6 rounds of chemotherapy Carboplatin and Paclitaxel and due to have my next treatment in a week.

  • Chemo could affect going to the loo

    Can you take imodium/loperimide to help symptoms 

    I had a bowel resection but had to have an ileostomy which is reversible but I have recurrence now and and surgery is 2 risky just now, 4 tumors all around stoma site and abdominal wall and I have a parastomal hernia plus 2 others 

    Chemo starting soon but it's palliative chemo.

    The fight must go on

    Good luck pam