Weight gain

  • 9 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Diagnosed with 4a ovarian cancer in Feb 2022. Had 6 cycles of chemo and radical hysterectomy and in Oct 22 declared NED! During this time I put on 8 Ib in weight so returned to slimming world  Nov 22   which I was following pre diagnosis! Started on maintenance programme of Lynparza/olaparib (600mg) daily  along with Bevacicumab infusion every 3 wks. Since starting the maintenance programme I've put on another 7 Ib.....despite following SW plan!!! Anyone else having this problem - any advice appreciated???

  • Well done excellent post, it could be me writing it. Every time I mention this to the oncology team they think it's a good thing. I don't think people realise just how it makes you feel. All the way through this journey I have been positive, 6 chemos full debulking bowel resection etc stayed positive good social life but people do take photos I hate them. 

    Not sure which of the matinance drugs are the culprit? 

  • Thanks for your reply Foxygirl - it's good to know I'm not the only one!!

    I have also been able to remain positive throughout but the weight gain zaps your confidence when you most need it to move on with life.

    I'll ask oncologist next time which drug is responsible and what they suggest. 

  • Hello

    i too am struggling with the weight gain Cry

    I’ve had surgery and just finished my 6th round and have put on so much weight.

    I’m not on any maintenance drugs (yet Grimacing) so am dreading this getting worse.

    Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful everything is going well and I’m on the mend and a bit of weight is a small price to pay but I’d like to feel happy when I look at photos not disgusted.

    I’m going to start back at my gym this month, just a class a week and some swimming, I’ve everything crossed that it will help.

    So I’ve no advice sorry but please do share how you manage to get along x

  • Morning I was so naughty last night I googled does avastin cause weight gain, it came back with a resounding yes. I have had Avastin with my chemo and 3 weekly since, my oncologist is thinking of stopping it at the end of January maybe it will sort out my weight. I'll still be having 600mg of olaparib daily. Keep strong girls irrespective of our weight we're still here. We control the cancer it does not control us. 

  • You read my mind; I have been wondering the same; don't think it is helped by being told not to exercise for 6 months after my operation either.   Just beginning to explore what I can do now as I believe you need to do all you can to keep yourself positive Slight smile

  • Similar story to me re slimming world pre diagnosis and weight gain. At the hospital they say oh no we want you eating, don’t worry re weight gain! Well when I was given a duet sheet post op, it said you could eat crisps and chocolate, so I thought okay go for it! Lol but I am cutting down on these now! Tbh I eat a good diet and walk and do my stretches and I’ll carry on with this, as I get fitter I’ll walk further and aim to do the Park ruin walk at the end of the month - 5k your way. In the meantime I’m buying clothes that hide the weight gain so tiered dresses, layering and a necklace lr something to draw the attention to….

  • Sorry a few typos as in my phone!

  • When I mentioned the weight gain, and pointed out this as a side effect mentioned on several Web pages, the specialist nurses were not aware of it!! Very strange they do not know this as it can have a big impact on our mental well being. 

  • Yes i am I was diagnosed with stage 4b had major surgery a bowel resection as my cancer had spread everywhere, like you same treatment, I don't recognise myself when I look in the mirror i was a size 10-12 before diagnosis now I'm a 16 it really gets me down i eat really healthy don't drink alcohol i am very tired most of the time I walk if I feel up to it as it does make me feel better and lift my mood, I don't eat biscuits cakes sweets chocolate  I eat loads of fruit and veg and lean meats like chicken turkey and fish I just keep getting bigger I hate the way I look I've never been overweight in my life and I really don't want to be either