Nhl fungoids mycosis

  • 15 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi, after 4 months since noticing a small lump, and having it misdiagnosed as an absuss I have finally been told I  have mycosis fungoids. My tumour is now 7cms× 6 cms. I am starting my first radio therapy this week. Does any one know if the radio therapy works, my tumour is large and painful,  does any one else have the same?

  • Being somewhat stoic by nature, I have a high tolerance for pain, so in that regard I was blessed throughout. STILL did not make it easy on a daily basis. But, I tried to keep focus on the purpose of life and those I loved. That alone made it easier. As well, what we believe can be an imense help. Being "olde-fashioned" I practice a 2,000 year old faith which personally sustained me through all.

    I believe that maintaining a focus outside of the self - as much as possible - eases the strain. I have found that considering others who are for worse off than myself tends to place all in perspective. 

    One cancer (PTCL-NOS) 3 times. Two other cancers: Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma 2 times, and 20q deletion MyeloDysplastic Syndrome) were chemo refractory. All three cancers simultaneously in 2015. Stage IV twice + MDS @ 23% of marrow. 12/22 diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Thus far, 14+ years, 20 drugs, 4 clinical trials, Total Body Irradiation, 1,000+ years of background radiation from scans. 7th remission so far. Haploidentical stem cell transplant, acute > chronic Graft-versus-Host-disease. Currently receiving my 7th GvHD regimen.

  • Hi Mike,  you were right, Maggies was the right place to go. We both finally let our emotions out. They listened. They gave us coffee and a hug.

    .You were also right about the radio therapy. I am sure on the way to recovering now

  • Hi Mike and good to hear you both had a ‘positive’ experience with Maggie’s and the Radiotherapy.

    You have to look at MF being a chronic health condition that you may need treatment for from time to time….. Sir Murray Walker (F1 fame)  lived with MF for a good part of his life and only ever had a small amount of treatment and went on to live rather happily until his mid 90s.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • I too am lucky to have a wonderful caring family around me. Thank you for your advise. I will  beat this cancer. I will hopefully see a dermotogist and then a haematologist soon, they should be able to give me the answers to the many questions I  have

  • Of note, the American actor "Mr. T" has Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma and is a long-term survivor.

    One cancer (PTCL-NOS) 3 times. Two other cancers: Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma 2 times, and 20q deletion MyeloDysplastic Syndrome) were chemo refractory. All three cancers simultaneously in 2015. Stage IV twice + MDS @ 23% of marrow. 12/22 diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Thus far, 14+ years, 20 drugs, 4 clinical trials, Total Body Irradiation, 1,000+ years of background radiation from scans. 7th remission so far. Haploidentical stem cell transplant, acute > chronic Graft-versus-Host-disease. Currently receiving my 7th GvHD regimen.