Aged 38, recently diagnosed, unsure if I should egg freeze due to slim chance it will work

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Recently diagnosed. About to start 6 rounds of chemo, just waiting on the results of my pet/CT scan 

I asked about egg freezing when I was diagnosed as I've always wanted to have children. I had a miscarriage a year ago and we have been trying for a year with no success 

My oncologist said they would refer me to the fertility department and they could delay my chemo by a couple of weeks if I decided to proceed with the IVF process. I have an appointment tomorrow to have scans etc and in theory start the process. 

They can't test my fertility and partners sperm before we start so we need to just run with it regardless. I have a higher BMI and that on top of my age I feel it may be waste of time. It feels like a bit of a wing and a prayer situation. I don't know if I'm stronge enough to go through this process to then jump straight into chemo. 

I'm 50/50 if I should cancel the appointment tomorrow as there is something just not sitting right with me about the whole thing 

  • Hi. Don’t let the chance of failure put you off. If you go for ivf you have nothing to lose at this stage and everything to gain. Don’t worry about BMI I lost over 3 stone during chemo not that I’d recommend it as a diet. Even if you do egg collection and then chemo and then wait and see. Keep your chin up you will get through this. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to this corner of the Community although I am sorry to see you joining us. I am Mike and I help out around our various Lymphoma groups.

    I was diagnosed way back in 1999 at 43 with my type of rare, incurable but treatable type of Low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma eventually reaching Stage 4a in late 2013 so although my Lymphoma ‘type’ is different I do appreciate the challenges of this journey rather well...... although as a couple we were past the time where having children was on our agenda.

    This is a very personal thing and only you and your partner can make the decision...... the fact that your consultant has said that it is ok to delay your treatment says that time is not of the essence Lymphoma wise and there is time to do the IVF.

    I will say that over the 6 - 7 years I have been volunteering on here and on the various Lymphoma Action - Support Platforms I have talked with a good number of women who did not have time to have IVF, went through some very strong treatment including Stem Cell Transplant and go onto have children.

    Always around to help more or just to chat

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi  

    When I was diagnosed I never got the option to freeze (as a man). As due to my diagnosis they had to act fast otherwise I wouldn't of been around. Now my chance to have kids is very very slim. I know this is short but brief. 

    If you can and presented with the opportunity to freeze then why not? And if it fails then you can always say you tried when given the opportunity. I may sound selfish, but this is just because I didn't have the chance to. And I wish I did, even if it did fail on freezing the  I know I'd have some sort of peace knowing I tried.

    Thank you 


  • I decided to go ahead with the egg freezing and you were right I'm glad I did it. It wasn't the most successful but I have one embryo frozen which is more than if I hadn't tried. Thanks for the help

  • Well done you Thumbsup

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge