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  • 50 subscribers

Diagnosed end of Aug and started chemotherapy 5th Sept.

  • Diagnosed with ?   MM     there are a lot of us on this journey,   it  can seem daunting,  but life does get better after a Stem  cell  transplant,   i am  post 6 months  and   life is good,   very active,  i still get tired,     please tell us more and we can  help and advice   and support      Kevin  

  • Getting a diagnosis of myeloma can be traumatic. Going through chemo can be damned tough. I agree with Vespa that life gets better with time. You have to through this rite of passage first.

    I did not have a stem cell transplant. It's a long story. Anyway, I am typing this from a holiday with family and I have been in remission for well over a year. It is not exactly my first holiday since chemo either!

    All the best. Feel free to tell us more, but of course only if you want to.