My mum has just been diagnosed with Multiple Myloma.

  • 6 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hey all, 

my mum has just been diagnosed with MM. her bone marrow results came back positive, and it has shown up at the base of her back, which is causing her incredible pain - the incredible pain she is feeling has been since her biopsy. So to be honest we were in shock when they said she had it in that area as we were convinced they had hit a nerve ( that’s what she says it feels like ) 

She can barely weight bare & the department she was with advised her to go to A&E Friday via ambulance so they could manage her pain. We were there 15hrs, she had Oramorph and Diazepam which she said didn’t touch it. She just gets mild relief from Co-Codemol. They said the cancer in her back ( I’m not sure if it’s classed as a tumor? Excuse my ignorance it’s all very new to me ) Was larger than what her department she’s dealing with had made out. 

She has been told by A&E she needs radiotherapy, and 4 diff types of drugs - Cyclophoshamide, Lenalidomide, Bortezomib & Steriods & also a stem cell transplant. 

I guess my question would be, is this generally quite “normal” to have areas appear that need attention? We do not have the results back yet to say if it’s aggressive. Just very much sent us in to a panic - but after reading some of your comments it does seem it’s not an automatic sentence. I guess im Looking for reassurance that no one can really give me, but just wondered if anyone had experience this at the start..with the confirmation it’s in the bone marrow and already having it in a place on your body that was successfully treated? 

Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance xx 

  • Hi I have had myeloma since 2003 at that time it was mgus and just kept checking it once a year. Then in 2000 it started to grow.. I am about to go on my fourth chemotherapy after having a year off. I am going on Daratumamab they say they are having very good results with it.  So no it’s not an immediate death sentence but ask to talk with your CNS nurse (cancer nurse specialist). Write down all the questions you have and take it with you and a pen to jot down answers or take it next time you see the doctor. I had a Myeloma lesion on my hip joint which suddenly snapped and had to have a full replacement hip. I’ve also had a mild stroke and a blood clot after surgery. And more recently twos all tumours on my spine but had radiotherapy and that zapped them. So don’t worry too much, I’m still here. I hope your Mum gets on ok. Take Care xx

  • Hi.  Sorry to read this about your mum.   I am. Kevin AKA. Vespa.  I have MM.  and I am post stem cell transplant by 8 months.    Every case I think is different.        I have lesions on my hip.   Which is now getting treatment. But first they tackled the MM.  with  DVTD.   I am on lelonamide  as a drug  for  stability But first I had 4 courses of   Daratumbaba.    Injection.   And    Steroids    Thalidomide tablets at home  before my stem cell harvest and transplant.     Life is good    We say the new normal. Slower pace     I drive I walk my dog.   Cut grass cook shop.     Luckily I retired on the day I was diagnosed!    Mum will need your and the family support.  It’s not easy but with the new drugs we have available to us  life expectancy is good.         My advice would be download some brochures from the Macmillan web site        Share your feelings with mum     Others will respond with their comments and experiences       You are not alone !!     Kevin 

  • Hi MammaG

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. Your response has bought some comfort and hope. Good luck on your continued journey xxx

  • Hi Kevin,

    I appreciate you’ve taken the time to reply. 
    Luckily my mum is newly semi retired herself.

    Ive followed your advise and have looked at some leaflets and tried to gain abit more knowledge.

    I think because it’s such a new diagnosis it has just left us feel like we have more questions than we have had answers. It’s to early to know what stage she is.

    But she was given her Chemo date today, which starts on the 15th October, so I guess that’s when our journey begins.

    Good luck on your continued Journey xx 

  • Hi Female Gunner

    sorry to read of your mums diagnosis of MM.

    i am one year post stem cell & still in remission.

    like your mum mine was found & then like a whirlwind I was undergoing biopsies, treatments & two stem cell transplants a lot for myself & family to take in I read lots of info spoke to lots of people I also attended The Maggies Centre who were so supportive to me & my family. It has been a tough journey but I am at the other side in remission. I have been medically retired from work so at a slower pace I walk, do gardening, meet family & friends generally am able to do as much as I did before MM. I have lesions in my thigh bone, sternum & shoulders I also have hot spots on my spine but I am managing & living my life best as I can with all treatments & support of family friends & Myeloma Team.

    i wish your mum, yourself & family well on your journey take all the support you are all given & offered. 

    sending lots of hugs to you all.


  • Hi Jacqui, 

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. 

    everyone’s responses have been helpful and have given me some encouragement that things may not be as bad as it feels when you hear the word “Cancer” 

    im in a state of panic and I’m not even thr  one having to go through and physically feel what you guys are going through.

    knowledge is power, and I def feel more reassured after hearing all of your replies. 

    good luck on your continued journey Jacqui xx