First appointment with the haematologist, what to expect?

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  • 20 subscribers

Hi there, I'm having my first appointment with the haematologist at the University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre. What should I expect? I have had months' of blood tests from the GP and rheumatologist (because autoimmune issues were suspected), which show paraprotein of 23, IgA Lambda, anaemia, neutropenia and leukopenia. I have read posts here. It seems a bone marrow biopsy and PET scan are likely. Do you know how long do I wait for the appointments for those? I have waited for months because of various reasons. It would help to know some sort of timeline after seeing the haematologist. 

  • Hi JulieSG, it's Sue here .Good to meet you on this site but so sorry to hear of your difficult time.  I can't help you with waiting times for tests etc as I'm in Scotland a d my treatment Centre is Aberdeen . Seeing the haematology consultant today for the first time may be a strange time for you.. An apt you may have been waiting along time for but also apprehension and anxiety about what they may tell you .

    My guess is that at your visit today you will have the answers to alot of your questions and maybe feel like there is a plan forming . Are you taking someone to support you to the apt ? 

    I really want to wish you well today .This site is a great source of information and support as are Macmillan . 

    I was diagnosed with MM Aug 22 . Have had all the treatment and a Stem Cell Transplant April 23 and am now in remission . Its easy to write this now .Its been a roller coaster but i found i was stronger than I thought ! The whole team at Aberdeen are so caring and supportive . 

    Wishing you all the best 

