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  • 19 subscribers

Hello I'm Amanda

I was diagnosed Multiple Myeloma on the 6th April 2022

The hematologist told me that he had checked through recent blood tests I had done and he saw that I had high Paraprotein for at least 5years.

It was only from having a regular thyroid check and a person in the laboratory that noticed something wasn't right that it was found.

I saw him yesterday and he said I was at the point now that treatment needs to start. He is retiring so, he's handing me over to another hematologist at another hospital because there isn't going to be anyone of his position at our hospital. 

I get very nervous and can't for some reason ask questions. 

Can the hematologist I'm going to see change the decision for treatment or does he go by what my hematologist has asked , and that's for me to start treatment?

  • I’m waiting to start having been told initially I had sarcoma. Referred to NOC and now referred back after biopsy actually showers Myloma - now on crutches as my femur/hip is at severe risk of fracture 

  • Worried about bloods as due tomorrow, also concern about Stem Transfer, as my heart is not as good as it should be. Doctor convince drugs will help my heart, not sure.