Given incorrect diagnosis

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  • 14 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

Dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma,  about 5 weeks ago,  hes stage 4 and cant have any treatment as he is too poorly, any way he had another CT scan 2 weeks ago amd we went to the hospital  for the results....

Dad was told he only has a few months to live, the tumour has spread into the lymphnodes and lymphatic system, we are absolutely shocked and upset as you can imagine,  the consultant said that asbestos may be a cause of the cancer along with smoking for about 25 years, they gave up in 1981.

She said that from a radiographer point of view that it was mesothelioma,  but dads to unwell to have the biopsy,  hes just fought sepsis again in hospital,  she said because dad is so poorly amd frail, they not want to put dad tho all the tests and bisopys ect, she said dad probably wont survive,.

She introduced us to the Macmillan nurse who was new to the department,  and gave her lots of informations for us to look tho, and also about mesothelioma  booklet, and information about claiming for compensation tho the asbestos advisers ect.. we had never heard of it, but she told us that dad has been in contact with the asbestos with his previous jobs, that we should have a think about it and she left the room.

The Macmillan nurse handed us each booklet explaining all the services they provide, and then they gave mum a form about compensation,  she told us that we should apply as lots of people apply for it, and get it, and it's a good nest egg for when dad passes away.. dad wasent so sure amd said no thankyou, but she said just ring them and explain , she said if you dont ask you dont get..

We were overwhelmed with all the information about dads cancer, being told its stage 4, that its terminal,  and he only had in her words matter of months to live..we went home in silence, dad was so upset. Mum was crying all the way home in the car.

I got them home and over next few days we were trying to focus on things, lots of phone calls from the hospital and the hospice nurses,  mum was asked if she was going to ring the asbestos people, and said that dad wasent sure, any way I rung them and asked for some advice,  cut a long story short, man came out and helped us fill in forms, it was quiet stressful as it was bring in back memories dad had put away in the back of his mind..

The application has gone in, and we had a call that the d51500  form dosent say that dad has mesothelioma,  it says he has a pulmonary tumour of the lung.. 

Because of the the claim cannot go ahead..I phoned the hospital and demanded to speak to the specialist, who was on holiday, any way she rung back thirsday to say that we shouldnt have been given the booklet on mesothelioma,  or the information on asbestos.. I said to her that she told us that dad had mesothelioma,  and she retracted it, denying she had said anything,  I said how would we know about the asbestos if you hadn't asked if dad worked with it, which he had on a number of occasions.

I said that we have put this claim in after they both said it was worth applying  amd now your saying we were miss informed and that we didnt understand  what she said ,  she says that dad may have asbestos in the lungs but because he is so poorly, they cant do the biopsy to  test.. i argued with her but she used such big medical words, i was  confused..  mum and dad are just coming to terms with the cancer diagnosis, and I honestly thought the compensation if dad won, would help dad by knowing mum wont need to worry about money..

I did get a sorry out of her and she said that they would both learn by there mistakes with distributing  vital information about a person's diagnosis.. I said that still wont help my parents.. 

I am so so angry, I'm physically and mentally drained.. lifes pretty shit, excuse my language, dads gone down hill alot since we saw her, and I'm worried about dad, I cant stop crying knowing that one day he wont be here.. xx

  • Hi

    It sounds like you and your family have been through an incredibly difficult time. It must have been hard enough discovering that your dad had incurable cancer without being misinformed about the type which has meant that he's not eligible for compensation.

    As you know the online community is divided up into different support groups so I thought you might find it helpful to join the supporting someone with incurable cancer group. This is a safe space to discuss your emotions and worries, as well as practical issues, with others who are supporting a loved one with an incurable diagnosis. If this is something that you'd like to do just click on the link I've created which will take you to the group.

    You mentioned that you were hoping to get compensation for your mum so that she didn't need to worry about money and I wondered if you knew that Macmillan has a welfare rights team that can check to see if your mum is eligible for any benefits or grants. They're not available online but your mum can speak to them by calling 0808 808 0000 from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

    Sending a virtual (((hug)))

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