Looking for advice on early signs of asbestos damage

  • 22 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hi, I am new to this board and do not have mesothelioma or any other diagnosis relating to asbestos. I have read through other topics on this forum and can see that my post is not typical, I hope that by posting this I am not offending anyone. I would really like to hear from anyone with mesothelioma what their initial symptoms were, and if their condition immediately showed up on scans. I'd be especially interested in hearing from those who had asbestosis or similar diagnoses prior to developing mesothelioma.

I am a male of around 30. Three months ago I was fit and healthy: active job, 20 minute 5k runs, played sports, 80 mile bike rides, non smoker. Never had any respiratory issues besides pneumonia as a toddler, and fortunate not to have any other health issues.

At the beginning of May I had a dangerous encounter with asbestos cement sheeting buried beneath an old concrete shed base with some other metal and rubble. I didn't realise what it was at the time and spent around two hours digging it all up, breaking the sheeting in to many, many pieces as it was stuck between the concrete and other rubble. I did this without a mask in a dusty environment and was moving around the dust, dirt and rubble with a shovel.

After I realised what I'd dealt with my blood ran cold. At the time I thought I'd probably be OK nonetheless, or at least wouldn't know until decades later.

Around ten days later I experienced a viral-type illness with cold, sore throat and mucus cough. After this cleared up (the cough taking a while longer than other symptoms) I haven't felt right. My breathing is different, I feel short of breath and as if air is grating over my throat / through my lungs ... hard to describe. Low key constant sore throat, mild tightness in chest and some intermittent dull chest pains. The cough improved but any time I exert myself it is worse, same with the sore throat. Most alarmingly fatigue has progressed from feeling nearly as energertic as normal through the whole of May (albeit grotty from the symptoms), to becoming very profound whereby short moderate exertions now leave me feeling dead tired. The fatigue seems to have increased particularly in the past 3 weeks, and I have now taken time off work as I cannot keep up.

I realise that it is almost unheard of for asbestos exposure to effect someone with no latency period, but my body has changed drastically in the past 3 months since this exposure happened. I am sick with worry.

I had a chest X ray two weeks ago that showed no cause for concern, and bloodwork done which also suggested everything was fine. Not anaemic, oxygen saturation 98% at rest. The NHS care has been great but I worry that I have no further avenue to explore my issues as understandably it seems that I am totally fine.

But my body does not feel like it always has. Movement which wouldn't even register as exercise previously now leaves me tired. My breathing and chest do not feel right nor does coughing in relation to any. Some of my finger/thumbnails have raised/rounded a little which I believe may be early signs of clubbing. I feel like I'm going crazy and don't know what to do next. It is effecting my life as I cannot do the normal everyday things in my life let alone all the active things. My mental health has gone down the toilet.

I don't have any specific questions really, but I'm looking for advice from others. Did anyone have symptoms for a while but struggle to get a diagnosis as nothing showed up on scans? Is it common to have normal haemoglobin and oxygen saturation levels whilst living with an asbestos disease?

It probably sounds like I'm just cracking up and am worried over nothing, but I can't stress enough how much I broke up the asbestos sheeting and how profound the subsequent changes in my body have felt.

Sorry again if this is the wrong place to post this. I have searched for more appropriate forums to discuss asbestos concerns and it is thin on the ground - most sites are for compensation claims and legal enquiries. I can imagine how annoying it must be to have someone without mesothelioma using the board to worry and I am very sorry if my post causes any offence. I feel alone and desperate and would really appreciate any advice or shared experiences. 

  • Hi and welcome to a place that you would never have thought you would be looking in.

    First some great support and information from and could I recommend that you take on all that has been said and follow up on the advice.

    I rarely post in these groups as my cancer is a rare Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I was diagnosed back in 1999 and during the years I would have regular Scans/X-rays. In 2012 a CT showed a growth in my lung and further investigations confirmed Pleural Thickening and Pleural Plaque (Right Lung) - Asbestosis.

    I used to worked in construction industry then in the gas/oil service industry so did come in contact with asbestos on many occasions, my last exposure was way back in the early 1980 so 40 years ago. We did not have masks and was in close contact with the fine asbestos cut with saws, brushing it up in small confined areas. 

    My Asbestosis has no real effect on my daily life, I am 64 now so my age combined with the asbestosis just effects me when walking into a breeze - that’s it. I am checked once a year with little change over the past 8 years and my consultant does not see this changing in the future.

    Why did I tell you my story?....... to encourage you.

    The fact that you have been checked over and nothing is showing is great....... what you do have is stress and anxiety...... and this can effect your wellbeing, reducing your immune system and resulting in various side effects like a cough and your mind is putting 2+2 and getting 100.

    Do go and talk with your GP, tell them how you are feeling and work with them to put this to bed so that you can go on and live a long , happy and healthy life.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    I really appreciate you taking the time out ,to respond I’m a self employed plumber and heating engineer ,this is not my first exposure I’ve had a few occasions with white chrysotile asbestos and have worried marginally but this last exposure was asbestos insulation board which is brown friable asbestos ,I’ve never had a strange sore throat and my fitness levels are down ,I am generally worried about this one a lot more than previous exposure ,I’m really thinking of changing my career as I’ve got 18 yrs left of working .once again thank you very much

  • Hi Jonk589,

    I know this sounds strange if you've never really experienced it but you would be surprised how mind over matter actually manifests into physical pain.

    I'll use myself as a recent example!

    I had a health issue recently and in the same area I kept feeling a pain. I swore it was linked to that health issue. When all I was doing was noticing that little twinge more and more. The more I thought about it, the more prominent of a problem it would become.

    When I finally got to see the consultant it was nothing to do with my original health issue at ll. It was actually separate to my original problem (though still a problem). The stress and anxiety was causing a separate physical response in my body... Funnily enough, a very common one which I've suffered with for a while now... IBS.

    It sounds like you may have been in the industry for a while. If you're working with asbestos, your employer should have a better duty of care. There are reasons why asbestos removal is a highly specialised job.

    First step, I would try to calm down. My father was exposed to asbestos in the 60s but has only developed mesothelioma last year. It takes a long time. Not weeks. A long time. It also didn't present as a sore throat. It presented as a constant dry and persistent nagging cough. Pains in the chest is also a very common symptom. I don't mean twinges either. I mean really horrible, debilitating pain in most cases.

    Secondly, please, I urge you... See your doctor over this. You are worrying and stressing over something that is taking away a part of your life more than any disease ever can. You know why? Because likelihood is right now you're relatively fit and healthy and have an opportunity to go out there and grab it by the horns! You really need to go out there and enjoy your life, not be worrying about this. One day you will get sick. One day you will pass away. Those are the brutal truths and horrible facts of life. So why worry now? Those are inevitable. But what are the odds you'll end up with mesothelioma or asbestosis? Still relatively low as they are rare-ish diseases.

    I'll get quite personal with you... I suffered with a phobia of death for a very long time. It's actually a branch of health anxiety. In some ways, yeah, I still have it but it no longer dominates my life the way it used to. In my case it got to a point where I'd fall asleep at night and wake up after ten minutes of drifting off in the middle of this god awful panic attack not knowing where or why I got there but knowing only that my subconscious was linking it somehow to my phobias. I used to jump up out of bed, run into walls and hyperventilate with no idea how or why I got there from sleep. My husband would look at me like 'geeze, are you alright?!' It was dreadful. The only cure for this was to bite the bullet and start medication and also to attend therapy. It was at a point where it was having a severe impact on my quality of life and it should never be like that for anyone. Not me, you or anyone else.

    Thirdly, regardless of all this, your employer really needs to consider the wellbeing of its employees and start actually investing in the appropriate services for asbestos removal. I don't know how you go about doing this. Have you raised it with your superiors? If they don't care I'd look into moving elsewhere or as you say a career change but not because of your fear... I really must stress that point.

    I hope you don't see me as being a bit dismissive. I just don't want to see you fall into a trap that I did. By all means go to your GP but I would also suggest that you mention to them that it could be your anxieties. I would hope they take the bull by the horns and tackle that head on for you.

    EDIT: Just wanted to add... I'm a huge advocate for mental health as I'm sure you can tell! Do let me know how you get on. If you need to speak to me privately about mental health then I would be happy to help/assist in any way I can.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to hurtandconfused981

    I'm so glad you have written these replies and I agree with all your points. My dad is in the last stages of Mesothelioma and it's so easy to fear that I am developing illness as well. Stress can do some very strange things to us, 


  • Hi April!

    One of the most insightful things I ever did as part of my old job was to work with a health company that dealt specifically with the link between mental and physical health. I worked quite closely with both medical directors and mental health nurses and it was incredibly insightful from a personal standpoint. It's something we are only just starting to understand and appreciate but it definitely exists.

    E.g... An old friend of mine used to get terrible back pain when her mood was low...  Back pain is very common when under stress as is IBS. The thinking goes that because you're stressed or anxious you subconsciously tense your muscles in those areas which means you get back pain, IBS and other types of pain. If you have a health anxiety then you're doubling that effect because you're thinking about it meaning you notice any niggle that you may get. You then stress about that. Then the pain gets even worse.

    If you then link that to a cognitive behavioural health model... It becomes a cycle. I'll simplify it for the sake of this post but essentially: Stress->Physical Pain->More Stress->More Physical Pain and so on.

    It's very interesting.

  • FormerMember

    Any update on your situation your symptoms completely match mine also 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    1. What are your symptoms 
  • Hi Andy,

    It's been a while since your last post, how are you feeling now? Have you had any improvements?

    I want to share that I have had a very similar experience and am in a situation similar to yours. 30 year old, fit, 20min 5km, multi sport player. I was doing a job where I cut into asbestos cement sheets with power tools, not knowing they were asbestos and would have inhaled the dust for some 2-3 hours. I woke up the next morning with a noticeable restriction in my airways. I did not have a cold or flu, but I could certainly feel the friction of trying to take in a breath of air. I also noticed that i was unable to get the satisfaction of a deep, full breath of air.

    A dry cough developed shortly after and I have had this for the past year. I can feel a tightness in my chest and at times I have a prickly sensation in my chest which can also trigger nerve sensations down to my fingertips. I've woken in the morning with shallow and fast breathing. I've been to the doctor, had lung examinations and x-ray, sp02. All have come back fine.

    Asbestosis is said to have a long latency period, but I cannot shake the fact that I have had no other lifestyle changes or factors that would cause these symptoms. It feels like I'm exercising intensely just to maintain what would otherwise be a regular level of fitness for me. If I take any time away from that it deteriorates rapidly. 

  • Hello, I came across this board and your post really hit home.  I could have written that same post.  How have you been doing?  I pray that you are doing well.


  • Hi Jimmy GJ, I’m curious how you are doing?