Stopping immunotherapy due to disease progression

  • 14 replies
  • 17 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in June 2023.  He started on immunotherapy in August 23 and until January was told  tumour, pleural thickening had shrunk.  Fast forward to April 24 even though most of the nodules have vanished there is one localised area that has doubled in size.  Even though there has been some progression he is still felling well , has no breathlessness & has never had pleural effusion.  He has now been offered Chemo - Pemetrexed & Carboplstin - has anyone else had this for their Meso & how did you get on with it.      

We did ask if there were better treatments available elsewhere but were told that private treatments haven’t gone through trial & most aren’t licensed.  Just wondered what other treatments people are being offered or are currently on - as we are currently feeling deflated & a little shell shocked at the progression since January.            

  • Hi  

    I can understand why you and your husband are feeling deflated but hopefully the pemetrexed and carboplatin combination will help.

    I'm not a member of this forum, and haven't had either of the drugs that have been offered to your husband, but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    While you're waiting for forum members to reply, it would be great if you could put something about your husband's diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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  • Thank you - I have completed profile.

  • Hello, my husband has the same chemotherapy, I think he had 9 sessions.  It did shrink the cancer but unfortunately after treatment it grew back after 4 months quite bad.  My husband then had 17 immunotherapy treatments,  sadly since january things have turned not for the best.  But everyone reacts different to treatments.  Just take one day at a time …. Very difficult. 

  • I am so sorry to read your husband's diagnosis. my dad of 73 has just been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma after a VATS surgical biopsy. I am very new here but like yourself wanting to keep abreast of new treatments and developments in this awful fight. My dad is due to see cancer centre for stage and treatment options. What stage was your husband initially diagnosed at? my dad has nodules all done left pleura only. We don't know stage yet. Did you find any more out about latest treatment. Did they offer surgery to your husband or too spread? Take care Liz

  • Hi Liz, they never told us what stage my husband was…. After January his HB in his blood kept falling and he had to have blood transfusions so he could not have treatment until this was resolved, but then he was rushed into his with a bowl  obstruction, it was the cancer spreading . He had an operation but never regained strength … he sadly passed away at home on the 4th July … so sad x 

  • Hi Liz my husband was  never staged - he was told by his Oncologist that there was one nodule which is at the top of pleura - right side only.  He wasn’t offered surgery because the hospital he is under told him that in a recent trial the outcome wasn’t much better than no surgery.  Initially immunotherapy seemed to be working but it caused  other problems & on his last scan 23 March nodule had grown.  He is currently on Pemetrexed & Carboplatin chemo but that has caused problems too.  He has a scan on 5 August so just hoping there has been some improvement.  Hope your dad has success with his treatment.

  • Thank you I am deeply sorry your husband has had so many setbacks. Hope your husband had some improvement from his recent scan this week. It seems such a turbulent cancer and very unpredictable. I understand how you are feeling as the thoughts whirl round about our loved ones. Best wishes 

  • Hi another day my deepest condolences for the very recent loss of your dear husband. May god give you strength at this sad time . Hugs 

  • Thank you Elaine,

    I miss him so much 

  • Hi good morning how is your husband getting on with the chemo has it had any effects ? How is he with the side effects. My dad starts chemo next week as the immunotherapy had no effect for my dad in fact it’s grown worse