Immunotherapy Options in Ireland??

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  • 10 subscribers


I would to know if anyone has any information about private immunoptherapy treatment in Ireland for Mesothelioma.  My dad was diagnosed in March 2019, after feeling unwell and breathless.  His xray showed a large plerual effusion on his left lung - which roused suspicions with the consultant on the ward he was admitted to.  After a biopsy and fluid drain and insertation of a pluerX catheter, he was diagnosed with Pleural Mesothelioma.  After a very unsatisfactory initial appointment with his Oncologist ( we have zero sepcialist Oncologists or mesothelioma nurses in Northern Ireland), we sought a 2nd opinion from a Mesothelioma specialist in London and the appointment could not have been more different and gave my dad hope for the first time.

After a severe infection March/April - the fluid went away and he was able to have both drains (one inserted in his back during the infection) removed and begin chemotherapy.  The cancer remained stable until a scan in March showed growth.  This was the worse time to see growth as our hands were tied related to further treatment options.  He is due a scan now at the start of July and we will be able to see the rate of growth.

He still wants to explore Immunotherapy as a treatment option, but would prefer not to have to fly/travel far in the current climate.  I just wanted to check if anyone was aware of any private clinics or oncologists in NI or ROI who could provide Immunotherpay treatment.



  • Hi Paula and welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that your dad has been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma and it's natural to want to explore every avenue of treatment.

    I don't have any experience with this type of cancer but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. I typed 'immunotherapy' into the search bar in this group but only found a handful of previous posts mentioning it, and none that specifically mentioned private treatment in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland.

    It may be a good idea to have a look on Mesothelioma UK as they have information about treatment. It looks like immunotherapy for mesothelioma is being clinically trialled at the moment. Your dad's oncologist should be able to tell him which hospitals are running the trials and whether he is suitable for one of them. Clicking here will take you to the information that Cancer Research has on clinical trials for mesothelioma.

    When you have a minute, it would be really useful if you could pop something about your dad's journey so far into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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