Dab and Tram

  • 1 reply
  • 57 subscribers

Hi All.

I have been on Dab and Tram for just over 6 months now, it is the full dose.

Not had much problems with it really, very tired most of the time, could sleep for England, bit of nausea, spotty face.

I started on 26th February 2024, so the weather started to warm up a tad, but i still felt cold and shivers sometimes even in the house.

Over the last few days, even though it hasn't been really cold outside I have been so cold even sat in my office shivering.Even when I have my fleece on and my coat on in the office I am shaking like a leaf which feels horrible.

So not sure if its because the weather isnt as warm and this is a side effect or not.

This isn't like me as my wife used to always  say I am like a piece of toast when I touch her, but not at the moment, I am colder than her and that's saying something.

Anybody else suffered or suffering with this ?

Thank you.


  • Hi Simon

    I've been on dab and tram for about 4 months now and feeling cold/ getting the shivers is probably the main side effect that I get apart from fatigue.   I normally get really shivery just before my temperature goes up. I have just discovered that a hot drink can sort it out quite quickly,  assuming I can hold the mug without shaking too much!

    I hope that helps a bit. 
