Lightheaded and nauseous

  • 2 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi all, 

I’ve recently been diagnosed with a 1b melanoma and I know that at this stage it’s rare to have other symptoms. I’ve been telling myself that I did have occasional headaches and aches and pains before the diagnosis and not to overthink every little twinge!

However today I’ve felt extremely lightheaded and almost dizzy all day, also slightly nauseous. It almost feels like I haven’t eaten enough but that’s definitely not the case and my appetite is fine. I’ve also drank plenty of water. 

I know this is unlikely to be related in any way but does anyone have experience of this? I would normally just wait for something like this to pass but given my recent diagnosis should I be seeking medical help? 

Many thanks! 

  • Hi.  Just wondered how you're feeling today? I hope the unwell symptoms have passed?

    I admit that I was fortunate that my consultant was adamant that the cancer was gone and the SNLB was literally routine based on guidelines. Obviously it didn't stop me worrying but it did reduce the levels of anxiety. I really hope that's the case for you.

    I don't want to dismiss your symptoms but I do know for me that anxiety has unpleasant manifestations in my body physically - upset tummy for no apparent reason etc. I had itchy armpits for a while and wondered if those were my lymph nodes being swollen - turns out not!

    Have you tried talking to your SCNS? I know they are there to support you with any questions/symtoms and lots of people here have found them helpful.

    Hang on in there.

  • Hi there, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out! I’m feeling better generally today, I just think we’re all coming down with a cold, lots of toddler germs flying around! So I think I just felt run down and needed to eat a bit better and because of the current situation my mind went into overdrive slightly. It’s not dismissive at all- I am definitely the same way! Anxiety can really cause physical symptoms and it can be very unnerving. I’m sorry you went through that too. 

    I will reach out to the nurses and share my concerns but I’m pretty sure it’s a standard head cold!

    Thanks again