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  • 59 subscribers

Quite rightly, many posts on the Melanoma Forum raise concerns and seek advice/reassurance following recent diagnoses, etc.

I thought, however, it's worth posting with some positive news which will hopefully provide encouragement for fellow patients who are either starting or part way through their treatment regime.

Following two years of immunotherapy, my oncologist gave me the thumbs-up a few weeks ago - no evidence of disease and now onto the post-treatment monitoring phase.

I know I've been incredibly lucky, however to date, in my case, the treatment has been totally effective.

Stick in there everyone!

Good luck & best wishes

  • That's fantastic news  and it's great to have positive stories here.

    Wishing you all the best

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks Latchbrook, and thanks for all of your input and support to everyone on this forum 

  • Hi Emo_Bham,

    Thanks for posting your good news - always good to hear!
    I'll add my own for extra positivity. 

    My partner was diagnosed with brain mets (x 4) this year, 5 years after his primary mole was excised with a clear SNLB in 2017. It returned in his groin lymph node in Summer 2022 and turned up in his brain 8 months later while we were waiting for the groin dissection. 

    He completed 3 rounds of combo immunotherapy with some mild colitis and has continued with the maintenance Nivo with minimal side effects. We got the results of his most recent brain MRI today - 'no evidence of cancer with likely complete response to treatment'. Those mets have buggered right off and hopefully they stay like that!

    He has followed a very strict diet Mediterranean diet with no sugar or processed foods. High doses of Vitamin D and Akkermansia supplements. Lots of fermented foods - keffir, kimchi, kombucha, pomegranate seeds. Honestly think this plays a big part in the success of Immunotherapy. 

    We feel so incredibly lucky that immunotherapy has worked for him and may it continue to save so many more lives!

  • This is so wonderful and uplifting to hear. Thank you for sharing Raised hands