I’m new to the group and very worried.
i had a melanoma mole a few years ago and it was removed classed as 1a.
didn’t think much more of it until October 2024 when i noticed a lump a few centimetres from the original mole on my left lower leg.
went to docs who said it was a cyst and not to worry about it.
over the following months the ‘cyst’ got bigger and eventually I got it looked at again by a dermatologist.
long story short they scanned it and it looks as though it’s a large tumour. Further scan on lymph nodes in groin identifying a further 3 lumps.
they did a full body scan as well and fortunately no other indications of spread which I must be grateful for.
the large lump in my leg was removed last week and biopsy of the lumps in groin taken.
i am awaiting results of the biopsies but consultant was confident it was the melanoma which has spread. Results expected in 2/3 weeks time.
My expectations are that it will be confirmed as metastatic melanoma and so hopefully treatment will begin in March.
what can I expect?
removal of lymph nodes?
immunotherapy has been talked about?
side effects?
how long will the treatment last for?
I know everyone is different and probably reacts differently to treatment as well
im 51 years old and otherwise in good health.
Hi Aky001 and a very warm welcome to the group.
I don't have the experience to answer your questions but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.
While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.
Hi Aky001 this is the first time I've posted here but the similarity with your situation has motivated me to reply.
In 2016 I was diagnosed with melanoma stage 1b after a mole on my upper arm was removed.
I had my 5 years of skin checks and didn't think too much more about it. I kept up my own checks and in January 2024 found what I suspected to be a swollen lymph node in my armpit. I monitored it for a couple of weeks before going to the doctor's where I was told it was a cyst and not to worry about it.
To cut a long, stressful story short I went back again and after various appointments and delays it was finally confirmed as melanoma on 25th April. (I will write up my story elsewhere as I have found it really reassuring reading other people's stories).
Like you, fortunately the full body scan confirmed no spread beyond the lymph nodes.
At the end of June I had all my lymph nodes in my armpit removed. I was only in hospital for a couple of days although I had a drain in for 3 weeks. Everything healed well. I do suffer from nerve pain in my arm and my side now though.
I also thought I would go on immunotherapy but after the surgery it was discovered that I have the Braf gene which means targeted therapy is more suitable. I started this in September. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster with side effects but I'm grateful for the adjuvant treatment. This treatment is taken orally twice a day and lasts for a year.
I now get skin checks and CT scans every 3 months.
I am also 51 and otherwise in good health!
Both immunotherapy and targeted therapy have great outcomes and I wish you all the best.
Hi Paul, I am more than happy to answer any questions that I can. It's such a stressful time waiting on biopsy results and wondering what's next.
In the meantime, take comfort in the fact that the full body scan showed no further spread and if it is melanoma, treatment has moved on greatly.
Best wishes
Hi Elaine
thanks again
i guess I need to wait for tye results first and then go from there.
i don’t really understand the BRAF gene and what impact this has on treatment
will I be consulted over whether to remove the lymph nodes in my groin and is this recommended.
what side effects can occur from removal
wihat treatment afterwards and side effects.
Thanks Paul
Yes, there's no point researching too much until you know what your situation is.
I have found this Macmillan site to be hugely helpful with all aspects of melanoma, staging, treatments, side effects etc etc.
It seems to be that if they detect the Braf gene mutation (which occurs in nearly 50% of melanoma cases) then you are offered targeted therapy first. If no Braf gene then it is immunotherapy.
With regards to lymph node removal I was pretty much told that this was the next step but as cancer had been detected I was delighted to get them out! I don't know what possible side effects there are when lymph nodes are removed from the groin (mine were in my armpit). If your biopsy confirms cancer then I'm sure your consultant will discuss all this. They'll also tell you what treatment options are available to you and their recommendations.
I hope you manage to relax while you're waiting on the results. I appreciate it's a stressful time and nothing seems to happen quickly enough!
I'm happy to answer any questions I can, have a good weekend.
Hi Elaine
i hope you are well
thought I would drop you an update
just seen consultant who confirms cancer stage 3. The lump in my leg was removed a few weeks ago, but he isn’t sure he has got it all out. Not sure what that means in terms of future treatments or removal.
groin biopsy inconclusive due to poor samples taken but the feeling is that they are also cancerous.
awaiting to see oncology doctors now to establish way forward which I expect will be removal of lymph nodes and then immunotherapy. Hopefully the appointment for QE in Birmingham comes through quickly.
dont know yet about the BRAF situation as this is still being reviewed.
anyway again I hope you are well
Hi Paul, thank you for the update. I hope you are keeping well and staying relaxed.
I'm sorry to for the slow reply, I have been feeling poorly with the drugs. Still glad to be on them though and on the up again!
Like you, my initial biopsy was inconclusive. I had to wait for another to get the cancer confirmed. Yes, I suspect your next steps will be lymph node removal and then immunotherapy (or targeted therapy if they discover the Braf gene - it was discovered in me after they'd removed my lymph nodes). Again, either treatment has good outcomes.
Yes, I really hope that you start getting appointments through quickly. It was the waiting that I found the most torturous!
Keep me posted, best wishes
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