Biopsy skin excision changing

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all

Waiting on my excision biopsy results, 6 weeks today and counting. Doctors were not sure, irritated seborrhoeic keratosis or hyperpigmented melenoma (almentoic melenoma). Over the last couple of weeks the skin around the excision has changed colour, pink/red and slowly grown outwards. Hair that it's come into contact with has gradually turned white and fell off. Lack of melanin I believe. Plus pain around the excision.

To say I'm utterly terrified is an understatement. I'm trying to be patient and not to be too paranoid, but I'm seriously tempted to ring dermatology tomorrow. I keep grabbing my mobile when it rings thinking hospital. The waiting is seriously starting to affect me.


  • Hi I am at the beginning of my journey. Similar to you Jim dermatologist wants a biopsy to clarify lesion.i am waiting for the biopsy appointment and feel what you are going through. In a 5 min appointment my whole life was turned upside down all the what if's, how do I tell the kids, do I tell the kids, what about work. I know I am in for a tough few weeks with a family holiday in the middle of it all Worried. I certainly would ring the dermatologist if you are worried regarding the changes to the exclusion site as it could be an infection in the wound. Take care hope you hear soon x

  • Hello Jim,

    I’ve not been on the site for a while, it’s 7 days since you posted but I hope you have had biopsy results by now, if not this site is helpful while you are waiting. I  can totally relate to the waiting, unbearable at times, which is why I’m awake at 2am!

    I agree with Luky, and hope you’ve contacted dermatology by now. I know us patients don’t like to bother the staff but they really won’t mind. I’ve found if they can’t give info right away, they will find out and call me back. There is also help out there if you need someone to chat to. The maggies centres are fantastic at what they do and I’m sure they do phone contact if you don’t have one close by. MacMillan centres also offer this service. X