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  • 50 subscribers


My husband is having all the lymph nodes removed under his right arm next week.

The melanoma came back (previously had 2 lymph nodes removed and one was positive in October 2023)

If you have been through this operation it would be good to get some feedback.

I'm reading different things and understand he will come home with a drain in.

Trying to keep positive Pray but he is 82 with heart problems so of course I'm worried Worried 

Thanks in advance


  • I had mine done about 6 weeks ago. It was not as bad as I thought. I managed the pain with paracetamol and managed to get used to the drains. Was very nervous about them being removed but it was fine it was the thought I did not like. I had one night in hospital and then stayed with my parents for the next couple of weeks as I normally live alone. My mum made me a bag out of some old fabric to make it easier to carry the drains about and you had to record the amount draining each day

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. 

    I feel a bit less worried. Grin I hope you are doing well 

    Take Care 

    Shirley and Chris 

  • I had 25 nodes removed last year and 5 had cancer.  I had 2 ops at the same time. First they removed a large portion of my upper right alarm then they removed the nodes. Stayed in hospital for 2 days. Came away with 2 drains in.  These have to be checked daily to see how much is draining away. Mine took slightly longer and when I went to have them removed, let's just say ouch!! Scar under my right arm goes down nearly to my waist. I was really concerned but in the end there really wasn't anything to worry about. Keeping everything crossed for you both