Waiting on results appointment booked for August

  • 5 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I’ve  had 2 moles removed for biopsy back around 10 May at Salford. They said results normally take 6-8 weeks to come back. I’ve just received notification today that they’ve booked an appointment with dermatology for 21 August which is around 10 weeks away so around 14- 15 weeks following the procedure to remove the moles. Is it normal to receive a face to face appointment to get results ? ( I’m thinking this isn’t a good sign from previous cancer diagnosis experience) and is the wait time normal to receive the results?

I’m considering phoning them because August seems too long a wait time to get results. Even if it’s bad news I’d rather know via phone or letter before this. 

  • Hi

    That seems an awful long time to wait and I definitely would be ringing to find out why it is so long and to try and find out something. I had my biopsy on 3rd May and got a letter a couple of weeks ago with an appointment for yesterday. It is as I suspected melanoma but thankfully seems like it’s caught early. I’m in County Durham. The not knowing is so hard to deal with. Good luck hope you can manage an earlier appointment x

  • I had mole removed 4 weeks tomorrow.  Got phone call last night to say come in tomorrow for results.  So exactly 4 weeks. I'm in bristol.  Worried sick about it. Don't know how you must be waiting that long. I think it's to long. Try phoning. And getting it sooner. And wish you all the luck.

  • Thank you for your advice. I’m sorry to hear about your news. Your hospital trust certainly seems more on the ball than mine. I’m going to try and phone them today. 

  • Thank you. Yes the wait is certainly some of the worst part of this process. I’ll try them today. Good luck with your appointment also. 

  • Wishing you good luck and best wishes for your treatment.