Update on appointment today

  • 4 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Been for my appointment and as I suspected been diagnosed with melanoma stage 1a. Seen a nurse who explained everything and said I would need a WLE but not a SLNB as it seems as if it’s been caught early and not spread. I asked how they would stitch wound as it was very tight last time and when she looked at it agreed that it was and said they would probably have to do a skin graft or flap. Should get an appointment to see a plastic surgeon in a couple of weeks to discuss. I am so thankful that it is the stage it is but the thought of going through another surgery on my leg when it’s just recovering is depressing. Can’t help thinking about if I hadn’t gone to the doctor when I did

  • Hello  

     I have just come across your post and noticed it had gone unanswered. I have a different cancer, however by me replying it will be "bumped" back to the top of the forum and i hope it comes to the attention of more Community Members,

    Just reading your post it sounds as if you are a "lucky girl" and not only did you realise you had issues you had a great GP who got you sorted.

    I wish you well with your next appointment and hope all gets sorted for you.

    Best wishes -Brian.

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  • Thanks for the reply. I mentioned it to the nurse when I was there for my yearly check and she said I should see GP. If I wasn’t going there I probably would have put it off a bit longer to be honest. I can’t help thinking how worse it could have been.  Even though I’m a bit down about being laid up again after having to go through another op on my leg I do realise how lucky I am x

  • Hi LadyBaba, my stage 1b melanoma was found in the bottom of my foot and in February I had a WLE with a skin graft. My foot is healing really well with the graft, it’s not there yet but I’m walking about and was able to get a pair of trainers on after a few weeks. The most uncomfortable part has been the area from where the skin graft was taken, not painful but very itchy and seems to be taking a long time to heal but dermatologist wasn’t concerned when I saw her. The care I received from the plastics team was absolutely superb. 

    Try not to focus on what could have happened but on what is going on now and a positive recovery. My melanoma was originally tested 4 years before it was discovered to be cancer but I’m still here and all tests showed it hasn’t spread. Take care of yourself Kissing heart

  • Thanks for your reply. Pleased to hear you are healing after your treatment. I do keep thinking how much worse it could have been if I hadn’t gone about it when I did. The waiting now is to see the plastic surgeon to see how they plan to do it. This waiting for appointments is awful x