
  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi Blush new here been diagnosed with stage 3 melonoma has spread to lymph nodes due to be removed soon then been offered Immunotherapy either tablet or infusion both sound scary with side effects does anyone know the difference please in terms of side effects 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the melanoma forum.

    It can be difficult to decide what treatment to take when you're offered a choice. I haven't been on any type of immunotherapy but there are plenty of people in the group who have been or are on.

    It's disappointing that your treatment team haven't given you leaflets explaining the side effects of the immunotherapy taken by tablet and by infusion. Do you know the name of the drugs, as then people here should be able to tell you what side effects, if any, they've experienced?

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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  • Hi Sue123, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma last year. He had lymph nodes removed followed by a course of intravenous immunotherapy cocktail of 2 drugs. He tolerated 3 doses but then unfortunately had to stop treatment due to developing colitis which he ended up having treatment for in hospital. On the plus sides. CT scan has shown no further development of the cancer and he is in remission. We were given good information about the drugs and possible side effects which helped us in his decision to proceed with treatment.  Dont hesitate in asking questions of your oncologist or Macmillan nurse. I wish you the best of luck. X

  • Thankyou so much I have been given the information but couldn't take it in I have spoke to my McMillan nurse and feel a lot better today thankyou