SLNB results

  • 48 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

After a long five week wait I finally got my results and whilst not terrible, they weren’t the all clear I obviously hoped for. There was no cancer cells around my WLE and none in one lymph node but in the second lymph node taken there were 

  1. Micrometastatic Melanoma 

My Surgeon explained that these were tiny traces - the largest was 0.2mm in diameter and therefore unlikely to have spread further but they want to do a PET scan and then an appointment with oncology to discuss if further treatment is needed. She explained it as the best result possible other than a 100% all clear.

I just feel a little shocked and unsure how to take the news- on one hand she seemed very positive but on the other hand it all feels quite serious. I know I’m now at a higher risk of it recurring which at only 33 with a young child feels quite scary. I also wanted to know if I’m now classed at stage 3 as the melanoma had reached the lymph nodes? That in itself feels like a big step up. 

Many thanks to anyone who reads and replies, sending everyone love and support during these difficult times. 

  • Hi, 

    Thank you for your message Heart️ all went well. It takes a while and can be quite boring as there is a lot of lying still and you’re not really able to do much to take your mind off things but it honestly wasn’t as bad as I worried it might be. The machine is open at both ends and didn’t feel as claustrophobic as I thought it might do - I’d just say close your eyes and pretend you’re in bed! It does get chilly in there so wear pretty warm clothes. Don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. 

    Feel free to reach out in a private message if you’d like to know anything else. You will be fine. 

    Fingers crossed for speedy results for us both x

  • Hi 

    I'm so pleased to hear it wasn't to  bad for you bless ya. Did you have dye put in you while having your scan?

    So you didn't have to wear the lovely gown could wear you own clothes?

    Sorry for all the questions 

    Yes fingers and toes crossed we both hear something very soon xx

  • No worries at all! 

    I think it’s a type of glucose they inject in you beforehand (at least it was in my case for a PET scan). You have to wait 50 minutes for that to absorb and then you have your scan which can take around 30-45 minutes.

    I could wear my own clothes- just be careful not to wear anything with metal in it (so no zips/underwire in a bra). I just wore loose jogging boots, a soft bralet, t shirt and sweatshirt. Take off jewellery etc too. 

    Hope that helps! It’s not the most fun afternoon I’ve ever had but it was absolutely fine and has to be done, it’s over quickly x

  • Thankyou for that I'll make sure I have warm clothes on, although I've got a feeling they will make me wear a gown.

    Did they say how long it would take for your results to come back.

    Hugs xx

  • Good luck today! I hope it all goes well. 

    My letter said 2-3 working days but the lady who did the scan for me said 5-7 so who knows! I’m hoping it will be this side of Easter x

  • Thankyou

    Hopefully you get them sooner rather then later! 

    I was hoping the doctors may get them tomorrow as that's when they are discussing me! Maybe have yo wait then, I'll speak to them today, did you have a blood test to check your kidney function? I have to have one and it says the results will be instant and if its low I can't have the scan due to the dye won't work properly, I'm hoping it is all OK and get it done today!

    Big hugs xx

  • Fingers crossed! I don’t think I had any thing checked to do with my kidneys. I did have my blood sugar checked and if that was too high then it would have meant I couldn’t have it done- which is why fasting beforehand is important. Hope it all goes ahead! X

  • I was told I can't eat 2 hours before and to drink plenty. Just have to see what happens I guess.

    Big hugs xx

  • How did it go? I’ve just been told that they have my results but because my surgeon is away nobody can give them to me… so that’s a bit frustrating! X

  • Hi,

    Oh no bless ya, that's so not fair! so how long do you have to wait xx

    I had the scan Sunday so now I guess I have to wait, I haven't heard anything from the consultants so I'm guessing they will wait and let me know once they have the results from the scan.

    Sending you big hugs xx