Advice on treatment pathways

  • 1 reply
  • 49 subscribers

I'm writing on behalf of my Dad.  He has had a lentigo maligna tumour removed several times from his cheek via biopsoes.  In December, the surgeon took even more skin and this time used a skin graft from his leg to compensate for the loss of skin.  Dad is coming to terms with his altered face and beginning to recover from the surgery.  His plastic surgeon believes that there are more cancer cells left but they are not visible.  The doctor now wants Dad to see an Oncologist to consider radiotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.  My Dad has a range of other medical issues.  He had a valve replaced in his heart recently.  He has bullous pemphigoid, which is an auto immune disease.  He has had vasculitis and is currently undergoing tests to see if he has Parkinsons. He has also got poor mobility due to both of his Achilles tendons snapping.  My question is, given his poor medical health, which of these three suggested treatments will be the most effective to destroy the cancer cells but bearable for him to endure?  
Thanks in advance for any advice. 

  • Hi  

    The best people for you and your dad to discuss his treatment options with would be his skin cancer nurse specialist, sometimes referred to as a key worker or Macmillan nurse, or his consultant as it's highly unlikely you'll find anyone in the group with the same set of health issues to share their treatment experiences with unfortunately.

    Before your dad can make an informed decision on his treatment he needs to know how effective each of the treatments would be combined with his other health issues. Hopefully after having a further chat with his SCNS or consultant, he'll feel better informed to make that decision.

    Also the Community Guidelines do not allow members to

    • Tell another member what to do


    • provide information which could affect a member’s medical decision

    Wishing you both all the best with whatever your dad decides to do.


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