Suspicious moles and eye ‘freckle’

  • 6 replies
  • 50 subscribers


apologies if this isn’t the correct sub thread to post this, but thank you for reading.

I feel I have a 2 pronged issue that I’m not sure if they are related…

I have seen the GP today and he’s referred me on a 2ww to get a couple of suspicious moles on my abdomen checked - they thankfully called later this afternoon and I’m going on Friday! 

I also had an eye test recently as I’ve been having increased headaches, eye irritation and sparkles in my vision (I don’t think this is migraine with aura).
The optician found a new ‘freckle’ at the back of my right eye but didn’t refer me anywhere; said to speak to the GP - which I did today at the same consultation. He didn’t seem concerned by this at all. 
Having goggled ‘eye freckles’ and the NHS advice on eye cancer/melanoma saying that any additional symptoms (like those I’m experiencing) should be investigated, I’m now concerned that there may be a link between the moles and the new freckle.
I’ve been referred to Dermatology urgently (seeing them Friday), but routinely to ophthalmology.
The GP, although referred me as I asked him too, was quite dismissive and said it was migraine.

Has anyone else had anything similar?
Will dermatology be at all interested in this freckle on my eye?!
Is there any possible connection?! 

Thank you

  • I cannot help at all but would love to read any responses as my 17 ye old daughter went to the optician 2 weeks ago and they found a new freckle at the back of her eye too!

    she’s a red head with pure white skin and we’ve always been so careful with her - Spf50-70 (depending on where in the world we are!) and shades too!

    the optician told her to have an annual eye test going forward so they can monitor it / they did warn that it could impact her vision in the future

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I don't have any experience with having a freckle in my eye, although I do have experience of having melanoma, but I don't think it would harm to mention it when you have your dermatology appointment on Friday.

    You might also want to join and post in the eye cancer forum, which covers ocular melanoma, to see if anyone there has any experience with this. If this is something that you'd like to do, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there.

    Let us know how it goes on Friday.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi  

    How did your appointment go yesterday?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi,

    thanks for checking in. The 2 moles they said are ok. One of them is a mole on top of a mole apparently so that’s why it’s different colours…

    there is something on my chest I mentioned and they had a look at too, they didn’t really indicate what they thought it might be but I need to go back in 3 months for monitoring. I’m hoping when I can see the summary letter (the one they send to the GP) I’ll get a better idea of what they think that is - as they didn’t call it anything but said the colour needed monitoring. 
    She didn’t seem at all interested about my eye freckle - just said see Opthalmology for that. 

  • That's good to read that they're not worried about the two moles you originally went to see them about but that they're going to keep an eye on the other one.

    I hope the eye freckle turns out to be nothing to worry about.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi, I took recently found an eye freckles during a routine two yearly eye test.  Was referred immediately to my local NHS eye clinic where I had further tests.  They said eye freckles are normal and it's shape was flat (that's good apparently!) 

    I was told to have six months eye check ups, have yet to have my opa come through though.

    I panicked initially but am calmer now.  It's worth chasing up yourself I believe. 

    Well done on acting quickly with your moles. Fingers crossed for positive outcome. X