New to all this!

  • 3 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Good Afternoon All,

As the post suggests I new to all this, a bit of background. I had an excision on 4th November. The Dermatologist didn't hold back on the appointment which kind of knocked me sideways. I'm early 40s and usual of good health until this year.. A colleague at work had recently had a brush with a Melanoma and pointed out the blemish on the side on my neck needed checking.. I eventually got round to it. Yes I know now I should have been a bit more expeditious about it. Referral from GP to hospital was 2.5 weeks and then when at hospital I had about 20 mins warning that they were removing said blemish there and then. Being given a skin cancer treatment leaflet definitely took the wind out of my sails. I was fairly astounded that results would take 4 weeks but then the clever people need to do clever things with it. I am extremely naïve to medical treatments and hospitals. I really didn't bank on leaving hospital with 6 stitches in my neck. I can honestly say the last four weeks have been purgatory with in essence the sword of damocles hanging over me, I made the first error of looking on internet... Jeez anyone reading this having just had an excision, don't read the internet stick to this sight and other bonafide sites as I found I was three clicks from death. I have found myself finding everything wrong with myself and also self prescribing alcohol to get through the not knowing! I am no clearer now as to what the probability of me having cancer but tomorrow I have a follow up appointment with the dermatologist, I am hoping they say they made a terrible mistake and infact it was just sharpie and give me a lesson in washing behind my ears properly.

I've been lurking around the community for three weeks or so reading the comments from other people and I have to say really useful and supportive. Fingers crossed I update this post tomorrow with good news.

  • Hi,

    I am 43 and was diagnosed with a stage 1b melanoma on my left shoulder in early August. Less than two weeks later I had a wider excision and a lymph node removed from my neck under general anaesthetic. Then the long wait started for the results! I was very fortunate and was given the all clear.

    It is an extremely terrifying time and I was petrified I wouldn't see my son grown up buy honest try and stay positive and STAY OFF GOOGLE! I learnt that the hard way too. You are now in the system and will be looked after.

    Fingers crossed for you and sending positive vibes xx

  • Sillymoo,

    Thank you for sharing your experience and yes I have learnt Dr Google is not qualified to make any diagnoses! I now the prospects if things don't go my way tomorrow, I appreciate there is so much magic these clever Doctors and Nurses can do.

    Also Thanks for the positive vibes, it means a lot.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both and informative and supportive place to be.

    How did your appointment go? Hopefully your lesions turned out to be non cancerous but, if it didn't, you'll find lots of support in this group.

    Anne x

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