Quick question !

  • 5 replies
  • 50 subscribers


Still waiting for biopsy results (5 weeks and counting), consultants secretary has chased the lab twice as she thought they should be back by now (consultant said I had a melanoma and results should be back within 2 weeks)

before my biopsy my mole stung/hurt - intermittently at first but then more or less all of the time until it was removed , then it didn’t sting anymore.

For the past 2 days the excision area has begun to sting/hurt again, not the skin but feels deeper down (like before) - feeling v paranoid it’s beginning to grow again!

has anyone else experience this? 

thank you Blush

  • Hi  

    Waiting for results is a really horrible time isn't it Disappointed Was the consultant's secretary able to give you an idea of when the labs think your results will be back?

    None of the lesions I've had have ever stung before they've been removed but I have experienced strange sensations around the wound areas after surgery. I've always assumed that it's just the skin and nerves mending.

    You probably haven't been given the contact details of a skin cancer nurse specialist (SCNS) yet, as that usually only happens on diagnosis, but you could ask your consultant's secretary for their phone number so you could talk to them about your symptoms to put your mind at rest.

    Let me know how you get on

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  • Thank you for responding- the waiting is just awful!

    the secretary said she’d call me when the lab responded to her email - that was 9 days ago - I guess they were on strike for most of last week, ive tried  calling but it just goes to voicemail every time!

    I have a number for the department nurses so will try them tomorrow

    thank you once again x

  • Hi Birthday01, one of my moles (that turned out to be moderately dysplastic) did sting prior to removal. In fact, I begged for the mole to be removed because the pain was so bad I initially went to query GP if I might have shingles. The consultant who removed the mole warned me that an excision may or may not remove my pain – in my case it was deemed to be nerve pain – and that I should prepare myself for the fact that the pain might or might not go away following excision. With me, the pain did feel as if it was below the surface/deeper down when I had the pain, but thankfully the excision did deal with it. I don't know if your pain is a similar kind of pain or something entirely different.

    Did you discuss with the consultant about the pain and what might happen prior to the mole being removed? Also, have you told your consultant about it when you rang to chase results? I totally understand your concerns because the pain I had wasn't nice at all. Sending a virtual hug. x

  • Thank you - it sounds just like my pain!

    I called today and results are finally back, they are being reviewed this afternoon and then I will be contacted apparently!

    I thought I'd just wait to mention the returning pain at the next stage!

    Thank you :-)

  • Hopefully it will settle for you, but if you find the pain isn't settling and even more so if worsening you could contact them before the next stage. My mole was inflamed because I must have been tearing at the spot. I hadn't known that a mole could sting so much if pressing on a nerve! I do feel it best your doctor knows about symptoms rather than not. Do take care Birthday01. Thinking of you. x