Adrenal gland failure

  • 2 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi everyone

Had a bit of a surprise today and wondering if anyone has gone through the same thing and has any stories to tell. 

Had my routine bloods two days ago and got a call last night to say I have low cortisol levels and I need to be put on steroids urgently. 

I was due my immunotherapy therapy treatment this morning (third dose of Nivolumab on its own) so spoke to the doctor when I was at the treatment unit and I wasn't allowed the treatment today (always a bit upsetting, this is the second time this has happened to me the first was for colitis in March). After spending the whole day in the hospital I'm now on hydrocortisone tablets which they've said I'll probably be on for life because the piturity gland had failed because of the immunotherapy.

Due a PET scan next week which they still want me to have and they've said I'll be able to carry on with the immunotherapy after a break but just feeling a bit freaked out really. 

  • Hi  

    To find out that the immunotherapy has caused your pituitary gland to fail must have been upsetting.

    I've had a look in the group, and found these previous posts, which mention this, for you to have a look through. You could then reply to the more recent ones if you wanted to ask any questions.


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  • Hi

    I also have to take hydrocortisone as the immunotherapy triggered my immune system to attack my adrenal glands.

    It was a bit of a shock at first, however I take two very small tablets per day, and the way I look at it is it's a very small price to pay for attacking the cancer!

    I'm sure your endocrinology team will advise on how to manage the condition, and will provide emergency syringes,  etc.

    All the best for the future.