WLE on calf and feeling down

  • 8 replies
  • 50 subscribers

It’s just under a week since my WLE and SLNB and I’m feeling pretty grim. The placement means that I can’t walk on it much right now or put any pressure on it really. I know it’s early days but I’m scared they’ve had to take muscle which will affect my mobility. 

I’m a drag performer as a hobby/side gig and I feel like I’ll be starting from square one. I won’t be able to dance or move in the same way if my worries are true. I won’t be able to swim or cycle like I love to do in the summer, I’m already bummed about avoiding sun when it’s my favourite place to be. 

it’s so hard to gauge when I’ll be able to move around by myself its throwing doubt on to my plans for the next few weeks before I go back to uni at the end of Jan after taking a year out.

Plus while dealing with the uselessness of recovery, both of my elderly pet rats, who were my life, passed away today and the other just over a week before. Everyone just sucks a bit now. 

  • Stay strong Jed. Yes it takes longer to heal than expected but it will heel but don’t push too hard or too soon as you may delay recovery.  My very deep wound was sufficiently healed within 2 months to swim in the sea. Mobility was OK within a few weeks. You are so much younger so your body may recover even quicker. Good luck 

  • Hi Jed, I had WLE on my calf in March with flap reconstruction.  I was scared that I wouldn't be able to do things as normal. I'm really active and prior to all this was training for a half marathon. I was really happy to be back running after 6 weeks and has all healed really well. Got to say the scar was a shock but I can live with it now. I also dance and it feels fine now.

    All the best with your recovery, just take it slowly but you will get there. 

  • Thanks for your reply. It’s good to know there’s some mobility waiting for me. If you don’t mind, where was your wle, was it the same place?

  • Thanks so much, it’s reassuring to know that. I was also expecting to be able to return to normal activity after 6 weeks or so but I think it shocked me how it would actually feel now. 

  • Hi Jed, it's still early days so you will be sore. Did you have a skin graft or skin flap? I struggled with getting about for first week as the bandage was so tight around my calf but after a week this was taken off and I just had dressings on so was much easier.  If you had a graft it will probably be different as you need to be a bit more careful. 

    Ps I'm also very sorry to hear about the loss of your pets. 

    Take care and let me know how you get on. x

  • Thank you, I'm really adjusting more to the loss of my pets more than anything right now.

    I had a skin flap, I had the bandages removed yesterday but still feels pretty sore. I think my hamstring is bruised as it's difficult to fully extend it right now. I'm a bit stubborn and like to be independent so forcing myself to stay resting right now.

  • Hi Jed, just thought I see how you're getting on with your recovery? Hope it's starting to feel a bit better x

  • Hello Jed

    I had a stage 1b diagnosis yesterday. So now waiting for the next stages WLE etc. My mole was on the inside of my leg above the ankle below the calf. I really felt for you reading your post. How are you 5 months on?  I'm a little anxious. I'm 51 and like to burlesque chair dance and some fitness. Don't like the sound of what's to come and no dancing. I swim weekly too. Just trying to be positive. Hope you are feeling in better place.