Newly diagnosed, Facial Melanoma - Anyone had the same?

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Hi, I recently had a facial mole removed which was a melanoma.  Awaiting (this week) a SLNB and WLE on my cheek area.  Finding it vary scary both the possible outcome but also the more invasive facial surgery/scarring.  Has anyone had this on face pls? If so, how was it please?  Also the forum talks about grades, should I have been told the grade/stage by now, just been told its in the more serious category. Thank you.

  • Hello Poppybell,

    Mine was in a similar area, about 2 inches in front of my ear in the cheek area.

    Due to the size of area I had  being removed I had a skin graft but it's turned out pretty well so far.

    I was never told the grade/stage but that's probably a good question to ask them.

  • Hi Scott88 and thank you for taking the time to reply to my post, its nice to hear from someone who's experienced what you're facing as this whole business is so scary.  Good news that your skin graft is healing well.  Can I ask a few more questions of your experience please?  How long ago was your WLE and where was your graft from? Did you have to avoid showering and washing your hair for weeks on end (sorry to sound superficial but a simple thing like clean hair can lift a woman's spirits at a time like this)!.  I saw my Consultant today and he confirmed I will need a facial skin graft too, probably from my stomach area.  Did you have a SLNB too?  Have been told mine will be in the neck area.   He went on to discuss all the possible future treatment types if the lymph node biopsy is positive.  Not sure I wanted to jump that far ahead, everyone else tells you to take things one step at a time by hey ho now I know.  

    Thank you if you have the time/inclination to expand on your experience further. 

    Or anyone else as well - as feeling the isolation of being newly diagnosed and very scared of this whole business.

  • I had my WLE/SLNB back in 2018 and they took the skin from my left upper arm. I think I remember being told to avoid showering for about a week but after that I had my own dressings and changed it every few days and was just careful of it when showering not to disturb the graft.

    They also had me going to the GP for a nurse to change the dressing a couple of times a week and going back to the hospital for them to clean the graft as it healed. Not sure if this is the norm though. This was on top of me also changing the dressing at home.

    The SLNB was from my neck area too and no issues with that. Just a 2 inch scar that went from the bottom of my ear down my neck but you can't really see it now.

    It did take a bit for the graft to fully heal but now it's not really noticeable other than a very faint scar around the edge.

    They'd just approved Dab/Tram in Sept 2018 so I was offered that and was on that for a year and been clear so far.

    Hope that helps a bit and I did keep a bit of a log on my profile if you click my name you'll see it.

  • Hi again, thanks for your further information on your treatment. I've had my WLE and SLNB 2 days ago and now home. Sounds like my facial skin graft has been dressed differently to yours, my dressing is stapled to the skin and not removable until 14 days later by the hospital. Must admit its going to be a grim 14 days as its really tight and pulling my lower eyelid down. Just heard now 5 weeks til results day after initially being told 2!  I had a look at your profile and gosh you had a scary time with your blood loss from your graft. To be honest I am scared of what I will see when they remove the graft dressing in,  well its 12 days now.  I find myself wishing if I had to have a melanoma why couldn't it have been somewhere like my leg, arm or back? Anywhere other than my face would feel easier to cope with.  

    Sorry for the pity-party, anyone reading this,  just feeling a little emotional and tearful today, am sure tomorrow will be a better day.

  • Oh no I totally forgot about that. That was the worst part of it all probably. So itchy and so tight and just have to put up with it.

    Though I think mine was stitched. They even put a stitch threw my earlobe and ended up pulling the bottom of it off and had to stitch it back on when they removed the dressing at the hospital. After that it when I switched to a regular kind of dressing along with a petrolatum impregnated dressing for a bit

    Such a relief to get it removed so hang in there.

    I remember wishing it was somewhere else but other areas seem to have their own issues also.

  • Sorry to hear you are having a rough day poppybell, we all have bad days and it’s more than ok to talk about it. I find it helps me to read though and chat on here as I don’t really have have anyone in my social circle that can relate and it’s certainly been one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through. Anyway tomorrow is a new day and I hope it’s better one for you. Best wishes

  • Hi again Scott88, just wondered if you remember experiencing something after your WLE and skin graft - I'm getting periodic surges of blood flow to the site, (skin graft on cheek) especially if I slightly overdo things, bend my down etc. Do you remember this happening to you?  Have rung the hospital and they stress to relax and DO NOTHING (bit impractical) but couldn't seem to confirm if this is normal or not.

    Strangely I got a full post-operative leaflet following Local Anasthetic for mole removal, yet no information whatsoever on Aftercare etc following a general anasthetic operation (WLE, skingraft and SLNB).

    No problem if you can't remember!  So much goes on during treatment as we all know.

    Many thanks and hope you're continuing to improve.  Best wishes

  • Hi and thank you for your reply to my post.  Just read your profile so good luck with your outstanding results. Think I get my SLNB results on 11th November.

    Being new to this, I wrongly assumed (as some friends and family do) that it's just about the prognosis, of course it is, but as I'm just learning - the treatment phases can put a stop to normal day to day living/activities.   Am guessing everyone affected must feel the lack of control I feel?  Any tips for re-gaining some control would be most welcome.

  • I do remember that.

    I remember panicking a few times thinking it was bleeding again but it was fine.

    Yeah, I didn't get anything on after-care or really anything other than one for the drug nivolumab (which I didn't have in the end) . Seems to be hit and miss depending on your hospital.

  • Hi Poppybell,

    So sorry to hear that you are going throught the same  process as I did 5 years ago with a melanoma on my cheek treated with an excision and a skin graft (in my case from above my shoulder blades). All going well 5 years on!

    What you wrote about wishing the melanoma could have been almost anywhere else but on your face really struck a chord. It really does feel like very bad luck and very unfair. How many times has the same thought occurred to me!

    You are being treated and you ARE in control. You have done everything necessary to get to where you are today and to be free of the melanoma.  Part of being in control is taking it easy right now to give the graft the best chance of healing well. Pamper yourself and take it very easy. Avoid bending over suddenly or abrupt movements and walk slowly. Do as little as possible

    Above all remember that the restrictions are temporary. Each will be easier than the previous day.

    Best wishes 
