Dab & Tram

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi has anyone on here been on Dab/Tram and if so how long, what dose, did you have to stop or reduce dose because of side affects and If so for how long. My partner has been on since 1st Dec has been in A&E 3 times due to high temperatures, infection and chest pains. He is on highest dose 75mg and 2 mg small one. Last contact with oncologist 18 days ago said on telephone call to stop for weekend as bloods low and high temperatures and very low blood pressure and she would look to lower the dose, but still waiting really upset with lack of contact. My partner just started the drugs again after 5 days as fed up with waiting for oncologist to get back to him, oncology pharmacy hadn’t her from her either. He’s due to finish this course Friday night but as feeling poorly again has decided to stop for maybe 24 hrs. He’s been controlling the affects himself no real help from oncology if he does feel poorly and calls emergency number they just say go A&E which isn’t much help having to sit and wait up to 5 hours just to be seen. So just stopping seems to have desired affect. Very stressful time with not much support from oncology not face to face appointments all on phone. Thankfully last PET scan clear apart from a neck lymph node that is slightly inflamed 7ml so very small was same size last scan January. Awaiting results of brain scan, fingers crossed will be fine. Oncology appointments 2 months apart is this normal and about 15 mins on phone so have to write down questions and hopefully get them all in. Maybe it’s the same for all. Oh and only seeing dermatology as we complained, we were told every 3 months but as partner is on adjuvant treatment this isn’t the case, apparently if the melanoma hadn’t spread to lymph nodes then it would have been every 3 months. Strange way of doing things. 

  • Hi Nanny Stan

    My partner has been on dab & tram since September 2021. He was ok on it for approx 10 weeks, then ended up in A&E with high temperature, shivering & fever. He stopped the treatment whilst in hospital for 2 weeks, & for a further 2 weeks whilst recovering from infections at home. He was on 75mg x2 tablets twice a day dabrafenib, and 2mg of tram a day.

    His dose was reduced to 50mg x2 twice a day and 1.5mg tram a day. He tolerated this for almost 3 weeks, then had same side effects. High temperature, fever & urine infection. Was admitted to A& E again for antibiotics for 3 days and stopped treatment.

    He restarted again after a couple of weeks, but had the same side effects, & admitted to A& E again with same side effects. These constant infections have given him constant nerve pain and weakness.

    He restarted again 2 weeks ago, same side effects after 1 day so stopped. His oncologist has asked him to restart on a lower dose tomorrow to see if he can tolerate a lower dose of 75mg twice a day dab, and 1.5 mg of tram.

    We have reported any problems immediately to his cancer team nurse, and have been able to see his oncology team almost weekly for advice, assessments, medication and support. His recent scan was ok, tumours removed with the dab & tram, only 1 remains in a chest lymph node. 

    I would advise to keep ringing his cancer nurse for advice. We have also got our local hospice specialist nurse supporting us now too. 

    Hope this helps

  • Thank you Marggy for your reply. My partner isn’t feeling too good at the moment has been very cold overnight and lethargic so will stay off the course. It’s a rollercoaster isn’t it. I wish you’re partner well and hope he can continue with his treatment. Take care.