Wrist/hand swelling after SNLB and WLe

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers


I had a WLE on my forearm and SLNB. (One removed) 

the wound has a skin flap and this got infected and finished antibiotics 4 days ago.

it’s 3,5 weeks since the op and have some mild swelling to hand and wrist. I’m not sure if this is from the WLE wound/infection but worried about lympadeama. 

the nurse advised to wait two weeks until my review and see how it is. 

I shouldn’t look at ‘dr google’ but we do! Has anyone had temporary swelling to their arm after SLNB and WLE.

thanks everyone.  

  • Hi Chr79 , 

    it's impossible and unsafe for any of us here to diagnose for certain what's going on with your arm hon, we cannot see it and most of us are not doctors or nurses!   

    However with only one lymph node removed I would think it's unlikely to be lymphoedema as we have so many of them to do the draining job-  under arms, in groin, neck abdomen etc but...can you ring your specialist nurse(cancer nurse or dermatology nurse) for advice  or maybe just your local GP?

    Is there any redness around the wound or pain or oozing which could be signs of infection, it can get reinfected so easily especially if there's a skin flap involved.

    When you are sitting down try raising your hand up on a pillow with your hand slightly higher than you elbow, this may aid drainage.   You've done the right thing by asking on here in the first instance but proper medical advice I think is the best thing so that if there is a problem it can be sorted out quickly.   Hope you can get it sorted out soon hon, good luck x

  • Thank for your reply. 

    I’ve spoken to the specialist team and they’ve said wait and see what it’s like at the appt in two weeks. I’ve also a wound check up in a few days so I’ll mention it then. 

    It was badly infected but the antibiotics seem to have done the job, it’s still not like it was before the infection so just hoping it’s swelling related to that

    i’m the same thinking that you’d be unlucky with one lymph node. I’ve read you can have temporary swelling due to lymphatic disruption but then opposing views.

    I think maybe I’m being impatient as it only got infected 10 days ago and finished the antibiotics 4 days ago. was just wondering if anyone else had temporary swelling of the arm/hand.
