Reoccurrence in WLE site?

  • 4 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hello, I’m new here. Just wondering if anyone has had experience of reoccurrence of their melanoma under their surgical scar and what were their symptoms?

Or is it normal to have some sensations, grisly bits or bumps, in your scar a few months after the op? I’m going to bring this up with my oncology nurse but curious about others experiences. 

My lab report says there was no evidence found of malignancy in what was removed in my WLE (although my sentinel lymph node was positive). I’ve been getting paranoid recently about sensations in my scar area and today I noticed it was a bit bumpy and tender to the touch. Now I’m not sure if it’s hurting because I’ve been prodding it, or if there’s something there I should be concerned about! I had the excision back in September.

  • Hi Ames8….you are definitely doing the right thing checking in with your nurse but just for reference I had my WLE in September and still get times where is it sensitive to touch or sometimes it feels uncomfortable….I worry too but on all my checkups everything has been classed as normal….but always best to ask the experts!…take care

  • Thanks IvysMum, that’s reassuring to hear Slight smile

  • Hi Ames8 and welcome.  Yes it is normal to feel grisly bits and lumps during the healing process but it could also be something minor like a suture trying to pop up(often looks like a dark blue spot).  Always check it with your skin specialist nurse or doctor during your wound check up.  That your WLE was negative is because the initial mole removal was good and it shows that there's minimal risk of localised spread.  You're thinking the right thoughts hon and it is always good to check out these things as it lessens the number of worries we can hold in our brains and that is always a good thing!  Take care xx