I have had my results

  • 9 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Good afternoon everyone, I had my stitches out yesterday from my mole excision. Bizarrely I felt comforted when the nurse commented how amazingly the wound had healed with stitches embedded in the skin!

This morning I had the phone call with the results (happy to hear over the phone as I live in a rural area). The consultant confirmed melanoma which was no surprise, he has been honest from the first view. BUT a huge relief was it's stage 1b and he told me he got it all. I was shaking like a leaf. I have been offered the sentinel lymph node biopsy op. I have decided to have that as a precaution just in case..

I know it could have been so much worse and I am truly thankful it isn't.

To all those lovely people who reached out to me when I was in turmoil my grateful thanks your messages helped so much.

To IvysMum, Lynskey, Kaussie, Tracey13,  you are good people.

I will post again when I get the date etc.

  • Hi anne1536. I’m sorry you have been diagnosed with melanoma but pleased  that you caught it early Slight smile Good luck with everything x 

  • Hi Anne1536,

    Sorry you had bad news but I agree with Kaussie, glad that it's early stages.

    I was diagnosed with 1b melanoma in August too, you can see my timeline on my profile.

    I had a very positive experience regarding WLE and SLNB, hope it will be same for you as well.

    Good luck and keep us updated. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elmyra

    Hi Elmyra, Many thanks for your reply. I have read your profile. Will do an update when I get more news. I have learned so much from this forum. I did myself no favours with Google that's one valuable lesson learned the hard way!!! Feeling so much better now.

  • Anne1536…..good to hear from you and that your result wasn’t as bad as you feared…it’s not an easy one I know but I’m sure that by now you will have informed yourself so well you can go ahead with the next stage with more confidence..take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IvysMum

    Thanks IvysMum, yes I have been doing my research and reading through the experience of others.


  • Hi

    I was wondering how you are and if you've had a date for the WLE and SLNB yet?


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook,

    Thanks for your kind enquiry. I hope you continue well and had a good Christmas. I haven't heard anything from the hospital. I know my consultant said there were delays, so not surprised really. It has been four weeks since my diagnosis. I am unsure what to do next to find out when I have to meet with someone to discuss the op. I don't have a cancer nurse as I have come to the NHS via the private route. Any advice you have would be appreciated as I know you had your original excision done privately. 

    Anne1536 x

  • Hi 

    Yes I had a lovely Christmas thank you and I hope you did too.

    I can see why you thought I had my excision biopsy done privately but it was only the initial consultation. The consultant I saw privately referred me to his NHS clinic for the biopsy. I've just updated my profile so it makes more sense now.

    I think from what you've said that you're having the WLE and SLNB done through the NHS. Is that right? If so you could ring the hospital that is now caring for you and ask to be put through to one of the skin cancer nurse specialists. They should then be able to see if you have an appointment booked or chase things up if no appointment has yet been made.

    Let me know how you get on


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook,

    Yes I am having the WLE and SLNB done through the NHS, my consultant has written to my doctor's confirming I would have been discussed at the MDT meeting W/C 29th November. I will give the hospital a ring in a week or so and possibly chase through my GP.