End of treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Started at 3B and yesterday I took my last Dabrafenib / Trametinib tablet. It's been a strange old journey but here we are, no worse for wear Just a slightly lumpy tattoo!

Does anyone have any experience coming off these medications? How long does it take for side effects to wear off etc?

  • Hi , congrats on finishing adjuvant treatment i hope you are still doing well. it might depend on what side effects you had as to how long those side effects take to wear off. 

    I had dab only back in 2015/16 not as adjuvant treatment but due to melanoma that could not be removed by surgery and I moved on to Pembro after 8 months. In two months my superficial hair changes changed again. 

    What side effects have you been having ? 

    Take care KT

  • Hi , Thank you for the response and thank for the congrats.

    The side effects came and went the one that stuck over the past few months has been some stomach pain. Normally onset by some hunger Rofl!