Making Sense of my Results

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all,

those who have seen my earlier posts will see that I've had good lab results for a large mole. It's not a MM. 

I've got my histology report and it's stated as  "This is a compound mostly junctional melanocytic naevus with heavy pigmentation. There is moderate architectural atypia but there is only mild cytological atypia. There is no evidence of melanoma and excision is complete."

But the following line did worry me furhter down in the report. It seems a bit wooly? Maybe this was prior to the test? i.e. the doctors opinion.

It probably doesn't quite amount to melanoma, however markers will be requested."

Would help if anyone has had similar and can help me make heads or tails of my report? 

  • Congrats on the good news!

    From my educated guess (I am not a MD, but medical scientist) I think it means they'll do further tests like immunohistology to look for genetic markers and scan for tumor genes. It might be a standard procedure to cover all possibilities when negative result is obtained, but assume very unlikely to change the histology report final result in your case. Markers are like genes, e. g. my mole was( +) for BRAF marker and (-) for other markers.

    Best to call your nurse/doctor and ask for clarification for piece of mind. 

  • thanks. I spoke to the hospital - apparently that part from was the first report - it was then validated by a second opinion test that showed no cancer. 

    thanks <3